Index » Empathy Jukebox : Blob 3b9877 / doc / INSTALL.txt


No installer is provided. The download provided is a zip
file which must be extracted to a folder you create.
Initial configuration is done by setting the path=
setting in the empathy.ini file. More configuration
options ares hown below.

empathy.ini - Config file

There are many more options in the config file that are
either used by or configurable within the program itself
or relate to features that are in the source code but are
disabled in the binary by default due to lack of
testing/beta status/brokenness.

The only setting that MUST be set correctly is the path

path=<pathtomusicfolder>     The path to the music
                             folder. Can be a UNC share
                             such as \server\music or an
                             absolute path like d:\music
mediaplayermode=<0/1>        Start in media player (non
                             fullscreen jukebox) mode. 0
                             = disable, 1 = enable
Disable3D=<0/1>              Disable the 3D opengl view
                             mode. 0 = don't disable, 1 =
cached=<0/1>                 Cache album covers to
                             cachepath or users %temp%
                             path if cachepath not set.
                             More responsive for for
                             slower networks. 0 =
                             disable, 1 = enable
cachepath=<pathtocachedir>   See cached=
SLOWPROCESSOR=<0/1>          Disable some visual GDI
                             features for older hardware.
AuditionTimeout=<integer>    Seconds to audition track in
                             mediaplayer mode.
hideexit=<0/1>               Hides the exit button from
                             jukebox mode
PowerOff                     Use with Caution. Shutdown
                             the computer instead of
                             exiting the jukebox when the
                             'Turn Off' (Exit) button is
ShowMinimize=<0/1>           Minimize jukebox rather than
jukeboxvolumepanel=<0/1>     Hide the volume/transport
                             panel from view.
jukeboxaddall=<0/1>          Don't show the "add album"
                             option on the track
VideoMonitor=<integer>       When a video file is playing
                             show it on this monitor.
BitRate=<integer>            The bitrate to extract MP3s
autoplay=<0/1>               Autoplay on at startup
bgvolumemax=<integer>        Maximum volume for
                             background play.