

These pages are an attempt to shake off the bit-mould from the many software projects I have started, and mostly not finished over the years. Some of this stuff is very usable, some of it needs work.

I also hope to document some of the more interesting projects I've undertaken.

In additional to that it is an aide-mémoire to little bits of problem solving I frequently encounter day to day.

The Source code section provides downloadable source code to some of the software projects here. Where available binaries are also provided. A lot of projects I have coded over the years have been written in Borland Delphi, mainly because that is what I started using 20 years ago. 



From Tom Merritt's Chronology of Tech History

  • On this day in 1878 - The Edison Electric Light Company began operation. It would go on to become more general. As in making up a significant part of General Electric.
  • On this day in 1956 - FORTRAN, the first modern computer language was shared with the public for the first time. The IBM Mathematical Formula Translating System made John Backus a legend, kicked off modern programming, and is still developed to this day by the FORTRAN Standards Technical Committee.
  • On this day in 2003 - China launched the Shenzhou 5, its first manned space mission, becoming the third country in the world to have independent human spaceflight capability. Yang Liwei piloted the capsule showing the flags of the Peoples Republic of China and the United Nations.