

These pages are an attempt to shake off the bit-mould from the many software projects I have started, and mostly not finished over the years. Some of this stuff is very usable, some of it needs work.

I also hope to document some of the more interesting projects I've undertaken.

In additional to that it is an aide-mémoire to little bits of problem solving I frequently encounter day to day.

The Source code section provides downloadable source code to some of the software projects here. Where available binaries are also provided. A lot of projects I have coded over the years have been written in Borland Delphi, mainly because that is what I started using 20 years ago. 



From Tom Merritt's Chronology of Tech History

  • On this day in 1938 - Chester Carlson, tired of the exhaustive process of hand-copying or photographing patent paperwork, decided to make an easier way. On this date he produced the first electrophotographic image. Xerox would later make it automatic, popular, and make Carlson rich.
  • On this day in 1968 - The US bounced back from the January tragedy and safely concluded its first manned Apollo mission to space. Apollo 7 splashed down in the Atlantic Ocean after orbiting the Earth 163 times.
  • On this day in 1975 - The Soviet unmanned space mission Venera 9 landed on Venus. Pics or it didnt happen you say? Well Venera 9 was the first spacecraft to return an image from the surface of another planet.
  • On this day in 2009 - Microsoft released Windows 7. And there was much rejoicing.