viewgit/viewgit/inc/functions.php:49 Function create_function() is deprecated [8192]

Index » Empathy Jukebox : Commitdiff f2d046

Saved project

Matthew Smith [22-12-29 20:28]
Saved project
diff --git a/Main.pas b/Main.pas
index 9e6d074..e278f43 100644
--- a/Main.pas
+++ b/Main.pas
@@ -1937,12 +1937,12 @@ numoftracks,currenttrack : string;

 if playmode=0 then begin
 playlistcaption.caption:=numoftracks+' tracks';

 if playmode=1 then begin
 playlistcaption.caption:=currenttrack+'\'+numoftracks+' tracks';
diff --git a/Standalone_Components/Tspinglobe/__history/tspinningglobe.pas.~1~ b/Standalone_Components/Tspinglobe/__history/tspinningglobe.pas.~1~
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3766d8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Standalone_Components/Tspinglobe/__history/tspinningglobe.pas.~1~
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+unit tspinningglobe;
+  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,stdctrls,extctrls;
+type TSpinGlobeThread = class (TThread)
+   private
+    { Private declarations }
+    fupdateproc : TNotifyEvent;
+  protected
+    procedure Execute; override;
+    procedure Update;
+  public
+  property UpdateProc : TNotifyEvent write fupdateproc;
+  TSpinGlobe = class(TCustomControl)
+  private
+  updatethread : TSpinGlobeThread;
+  count : integer;
+  o : tbitmap;
+    a : hrgn;
+  { Private declarations }
+  protected
+    { Protected declarations }
+  public
+  h : thandle;
+  fpp : pointer;
+  constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent); override;
+  destructor Destroy;override;
+  procedure advance(Sender : Tobject);
+  procedure start;
+  procedure stop;
+  procedure Paint; override;
+  procedure Resize; override;
+    { Public declarations }
+  published
+    { Published declarations }
+  end;
+procedure Register;
+{$R spinglobe.RES}
+constructor TSpinglobe.Create(AOwner : TComponent);
+     o:=tbitmap.create;
+     inherited Create (AOwner);
+     Parent := (AOwner AS TWinControl);
+     // controlstyle:=controlstyle-[csOpaque];
+     width:=152;
+     height:=152;
+     count:=0;
+     o.width:=width;
+     o.height:=height;
+     advance(self);
+     paint;
+     updatethread:=TSpinGlobeThread.Create(true);
+     updatethread.FreeOnTerminate:=true;
+     updatethread.UpdateProc:=advance;
+destructor TSpinglobe.Destroy();
+ inherited Destroy;
+ updatethread.Terminate;
+ if updatethread.Terminated=false then updatethread.WaitFor;
+procedure TSpinglobe.Paint;
+if parent=nil then exit;
+inherited paint;
+procedure Tspinglobe.advance;
+if self=nil then exit;
+if count>9 then count:=1;
+procedure Register;
+  RegisterComponents('LibrarySmith', [TSpinGlobe]);
+procedure TSpinglobe.start;
+if updatethread.Suspended then updatethread.Resume;
+procedure TSpinglobe.stop;
+if updatethread.Suspended=false then updatethread.Suspend;
+procedure Tspinglobe.Resize();
+     a:=CreateEllipticRgn(1,1, Width, Height);
+     if a<>0 then begin
+       setwindowrgn(self.handle ,a,true);
+     end;
+procedure TSpinGlobeThread.Update;
+procedure TSpinGlobeThread.Execute;
+n : integer;
+  n:=0;
+  while 1<2 do begin
+     inc(n);
+     if n=5 then begin
+       synchronize(Update);
+       sleep(100);
+       if terminated=true then exit;
+       n:=0;
+     end;
+  end;
diff --git a/Standalone_Components/Tspinglobe/tspinningglobe.pas b/Standalone_Components/Tspinglobe/tspinningglobe.pas
index 3766d8a..08f5473 100644
--- a/Standalone_Components/Tspinglobe/tspinningglobe.pas
+++ b/Standalone_Components/Tspinglobe/tspinningglobe.pas
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ end;
 procedure TSpinglobe.start;
-if updatethread.Suspended then updatethread.Resume;
+if updatethread.Suspended then updatethread.Start;

 procedure TSpinglobe.stop;
diff --git a/__history/Main.pas.~161~ b/__history/Main.pas.~161~
deleted file mode 100644
index 73bc846..0000000
--- a/__history/Main.pas.~161~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3791 +0,0 @@
-unit Main;
-//   Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Smith
-//    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-//    (at your option) any later version.
-//    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//    GNU General Public License for more details.
-//    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-  Forms,Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Menus,
-  ImgList, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, Buttons, StdCtrls, MPlayer,checklst, Gauges,
-  mmsystem, ToolWin,registry,windowsversion,
-  shellapi,OleCtrls,jpeg,global,volume,
-{$IFNDEF kiosk}
- printcatalog,
-inifuncs, Dialogs,resourceskins,commctrl,dateutils,id3,networkstream,
-  System.ImageList,uitypes;
-const INIFILE='Empathy.ini';
-const VOLINCREMENTS =150;
-type TMDeviceChange = record
-  Msg : Cardinal;
-  Event : Uint;
-  dwData : pointer;
-  Result : Longint;
-  end;
-  type
-  Tmainform = class(TForm)
-    playpanel: TPanel;
-    albumlist: TComboBox;
-    Timers: TTimer;
-    Playlist: TPanel;
-    Dalbumlist: TComboBox;
-    dtracklist: TListBox;
-    dplaylist: TListBox;
-    playlistcaption: TLabel;
-    numberoftracks: TTimer;
-    showcover: TCheckBox;
-    tracklist: TListBox;
-    transport: TPanel;
-    Stop: TSpeedButton;
-    play: TSpeedButton;
-    fwd: TSpeedButton;
-    bck: TSpeedButton;
-    timemodebut: TSpeedButton;
-    counter: TLabel;
-    tr: TLabel;
-    skipforward: TSpeedButton;
-    skipback: TSpeedButton;
-    progress: TTrackBar;
-    coverPanel: TPanel;
-    cover: TImage;
-    Bevel1: TBevel;
-    Bevel2: TBevel;
-    pause: TSpeedButton;
-    vol: TTrackBar;
-    vol_triangle: TImage;
-    audition: TSpeedButton;
-    mutebut: TSpeedButton;
-    dj: TSpeedButton;
-    Bevel3: TBevel;
-    coverpickbut: TSpeedButton;
-    thumbspopupmenu: TPopupMenu;
-    SelectAlbum: TMenuItem;
-    Addalltrackstoplaylist: TMenuItem;
-    ReturntoPlayer: TMenuItem;
-    dplaylistmenu: TPopupMenu;
-    popupplay: TMenuItem;
-    popupremove: TMenuItem;
-    Cancel1: TMenuItem;
-    playbutmod: TShape;
-    Add: TButton;
-    del: TButton;
-    toolbar: TPanel;
-    butcd: TImage;
-    butcdlist: TImage;
-    butjukebox: TImage;
-    butrandom: TImage;
-    butimages: TImageList;
-    bevel4: TBevel;
-    Bevel5: TBevel;
-    MainMenu: TMainMenu;
-    filemenu: TMenuItem;
-    fileexit: TMenuItem;
-    modemenu: TMenuItem;
-    Cdplayerbut: TMenuItem;
-    playlistbut: TMenuItem;
-    randombut: TMenuItem;
-    jukeboxbut : TMenuItem;
-    clearlist: TButton;
-    helpmenu: TMenuItem;
-    menuabout: TMenuItem;
-    reload: TMenuItem;
-    insert: TButton;
-    N2: TMenuItem;
-    buttonstimer: TTimer;
-    SaveDialog: TSaveDialog;
-    OpenDialog: TOpenDialog;
-    procedure albumlistChange(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure tracklistClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure MPNotify(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure playClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure StopClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure bckClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure fwdClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure TimersTimer(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure timemodebutClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure playlistbutClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure CdplayerbutClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure randombutClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure DalbumlistChange(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure dtracklistClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure AddClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure dplaylistClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure DelClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure restoreClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure picturepanelClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure clearlistClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure coverMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
-      Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
-    procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
-    procedure numberoftracksTimer(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure coverClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure showcoverClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure skipbackward(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure progressChange(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure skipforwardClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure pauseClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure volChange(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure mutebutClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure auditionClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure djClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure coverpickbutClick(Sender: TObject);
-//    procedure thumbviewgo(show : boolean);
-    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure trackeditClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure OptionsClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure ThumbscancelClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure ReturntoPlayerClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure AddalltrackstoplaylistClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure FormKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
-      Shift: TShiftState);
-    procedure popupplayClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure popupremoveClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure burncdbutClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure launchscreensaverClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure dplaylistDblClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure jukeboxbutClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure tracklistDblClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure dtracklistDblClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure ripcdClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure buttonsMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X,
-      Y: Integer);
-    procedure butfilterClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure filtermenuClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure fileexitClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure menuaboutClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure reloadClick(Sender: TObject);
-    function loadtitles (sender : TListbox; albumindex : integer) : boolean;
-    procedure hyperlink_helpfilesystemClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure hyperlink_helpalbuminfoClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure helpClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure insertClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure dplaylistDragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer;
-      State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean);
-    procedure dplaylistDragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer);
-    procedure menuprintClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure buttonstimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure butexploreClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure menufiletagClick(Sender: TObject);
-    function maketitles(path : string;gettrack : integer;var fn : string) : boolean;
-{$IFNDEF kiosk}
-    procedure saveClick(Sender: TObject);
-    procedure openClick(Sender: TObject);
-    private
-    { Private declarations }
-    procedure doDJ(album : string);
-    procedure drawtriangle(pos : integer);
-    procedure mpplay;
- //   procedure WMDeviceChange(var msg : TMDeviceChange); message WM_DEVICECHANGE;
-    procedure hideall;
-    procedure setupfrequency;
-  public
-    mp : TMediaplayer;
-    {$ENDIF}
-    mp : TDXMP;
-    {$ENDIF}
-  function buildcontentlist(forceload : boolean) : boolean;
-  procedure initlistboxes;
-procedure sorttimemode;
-function setuptrackname(num : integer) : string;
-    { Public declarations }
-  end;
-talbumtype = record
-album : string;
-artist : string;
-path : string;
-added : TDateTime;
-  albumtype = array  of talbumtype;
-  PlayListMatrixTrk = array of integer;
-  PlayListMatrixAlb = array of string;
-  PlayListMatrixAlbNumber = array of integer;
- type tdylist = record
-  data : array of string;
-  count : integer;
- end;
-  Type
-   dwCallback : DWORD;
-   dwItem     : DWORd;
-   dwValue : DWORD;
-   dwOver : DWORD;
-   lpstrAlgorithm : PChar;
-   lpstrQuality : PChar;
-  end;
-function readini : boolean;
-procedure writeini;
-procedure showerror(txt : string; errortype : integer);
-procedure alphablendbitmapwithcolor(blend : tbitmap;blendcolor : tcolor;source : tbitmap;alpha : real);
-function extractalbumandaristfrompath(s : string;var artist : string;var album : string) : string;
-function loadbitmap(target : timage;rc : string) : longint;
-procedure badfile(fn : string;act : string);
-function runprogram(commandline : string; windowstate : integer;waitfor :boolean) : boolean;
-procedure loadbmpcompressedresource(resname : string;dest : tbitmap);
-procedure loadblankmp3file;
-cdwidth =260;
-cdheight =260;
-VERSIONNO ='3.0';
- APPTITLE ='Empathy (x86) v'+VERSIONNO;
- APPTITLE ='Empathy (x64) v'+VERSIONNO;
-DIVISION = 1000;
-vtxtst_STATEMENT = 1;
-vtxtst_QUESTION = 2;
-vtxtst_COMMAND =4;
-vtxtst_WARNING = 8;
-vtxtst_READING = 16;
-vtxtst_NUMBERS = 32;
-vtxtst_SPREADSHEET = 64;
-vtxtst_VERYHIGH = 128;
-vtxtst_HIGH = 256;
-vtxtst_NORMAL = 512;
-  MCI_SETAUDIO               = 73;
-  MCI_DGV_SETAUDIO_ITEM      = {viewgit}{/viewgit}800000;
-  MCI_DGV_SETAUDIO_VALUE     = 000000;
-DEBUGON : boolean = false;
-thumbsdone : boolean = false;
-mainform: Tmainform;
-albumcount : integer = 0;
-album : albumtype;
-currentalbumpath : string;
-dcurrentalbumpath : string;
-playmode : integer;
-timermode: integer;
-dcurrentlyplayingtrack : integer;
-dCurrentTrack : integer;
-dPlayListMatrixTrk : PlayListMatrixTrk;
-dPlayListMatrixAlb : PlayListMatrixAlb;
-albumref : albumtype;
-albumrefonload : albumtype;
-albumrefonloadcount : integer;
-audition_mode : boolean;
-winposX,winposY : integer;
-olditem: integer;
-paused : boolean;
-muted : boolean;
-//preferences :   Tpreferences;
-deviceremoveable : boolean;
-cancelthumbs : boolean;
-thumbundercursor : TObject;
-progressmove : boolean;
-progresslastpos : dword;
-hinttimercount : integer;
-thumb : array of timage;
-thumbcount : integer = 0;
-loadedblankmp3file: boolean = false;
-blankfilepath : string;
-phrases : tdylist;
-genre : tdylist;
-artisttype : tdylist;
-kiosk : boolean = true;
-tvmode : boolean = false;
-autoplaytime : integer = 60;
-WEBSITEURL : string;
-firstrun : boolean = true;
-cached : boolean = false;
-dice1 : tbitmap;
-dice2 : tbitmap;
-dice3 : tbitmap;
-dice4 : tbitmap;
-procedure uninstallfont;
-uses random_dialog, cover,loadjpegorbmp, burn, jukeboxform, warn,aboutform,albuminfo,
-   backgroundplay, tagmp3files, empripmain, jbnoalbums
-  {$IFNDEF kiosk}
-  tracklistform
- {$ENDIF};
- // empripmain; //videditform;
-{$R *.DFM}
-{$R WindowsXP.res}
-{$R empathyres.res}
-procedure loadbmpcompressedresource(resname : string;dest : tbitmap);
-sr : Tresourcestream;
-procedure badfile(fn : string;act : string);
-{$IFNDEF kiosk}
-messagedlg('Error '+act+' file "'+fn+'".',mterror,[mbOk],0);
-function loadbitmap(target : timage;rc : string) : longint;
-function extractalbumandaristfrompath(s : string;var artist : string;var album : string) : string;
-x : integer;
-a : integer;
-while(a<>0) do begin
-  a:=pos('\',s);
-  s:=copy(s,a+1,length(s)-a);
-result:=album+' - '+artist;
-procedure alphablendbitmapwithcolor(blend : tbitmap;blendcolor : tcolor;source : tbitmap;alpha : real);
-x,y : integer;
-rin,rout : pbytearray;
-outval : integer;
-br,bg,bb : integer;
-function rangecheck(inp : integer) : byte;
-     if inp>255 then outval:=255;
-     if inp<0 then outval:=0;
-     result:=byte(inp);
-with source do begin
-       for y:=0 to source.height -1 do begin
-         rin:=scanline[y];
-         rout:=source.scanline[y];
-         x:=0;
-      // application.processmessages;
-         while x< 3*width-1 do begin
-      // application.processmessages;
-         outval:=round((alpha*(rin[x]-br))+br);
-         rout[x]:=rangecheck(outval);
-      // application.processmessages;
-         outval:=round((alpha*(rin[x+1]-bg))+bg);
-         rout[x+1]:=rangecheck(outval);
-      // application.processmessages;
-         outval:=round((alpha*(rin[x+2]-bb))+bb);
-         rout[x+2]:=rangecheck(outval);
-         x:=x+3;
-         end;
-     end;
-procedure mainmenuvisible(i : boolean);
-procedure installfont;
-  rs : TResourceStream;
-  pwd : array [0..MAX_PATH] of char;
-  wd : string;
-  areg : tregistry;
-  rscreate : boolean;
-if fileexists(wd)=false then begin
-  try
-  rscreate:=true;
-  rs:=TResourceStream.Create(hInstance, 'FONT', RT_RCDATA);
-  rs.SavetoFile(wd);
-if getwindowsversion>2 then areg.openkey('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts',false) else areg.openkey('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Fonts',false);
-areg.writestring('Empathy Digital Font (TrueType)',fontname);
-if rscreate=true then;
-procedure uninstallfont;
-  pwd : array [0..MAX_PATH] of char;
-  wd : string;
-  areg : tregistry;
- try
- RemoveFontResource(PChar(wd));
- sleep(100);
- Deletefile(wd);
-if getwindowsversion>2 then areg.openkey('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts',false) else areg.openkey('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Fonts',false);
-areg.deletevalue('Empathy Digital Font (TrueType)');
-function readini : boolean;
-x : integer;
-filterbytes : tfilterbytearray;
-pth : string;
-a : tinifile;
-s : string;
-altinipath : string;
-cp : array[0..1024] of char;
-a.inipath:= ExtractFileDir(pth)+'\'+INIFILE;
-if altinipath<>'' then a.inipath:=altinipath;
-if fileexists(a.inipath)=false  then begin
-application.messagebox('Please install or create an .ini file in the program folder','empathy.ini not found. Cannot continue.');
-if config.path=''  then begin
-//application.messagebox('Cannot find path entry in [Main] section of .ini file','Error reading empathy.ini. Cannot continue.');
-if ((cachepath='') or (DirectoryExists(cachepath)=false))then cachepath:=cp;
-if config.path[length(config.path)]<>'\' then config.path:=config.path+'\';
-if config.path='' then begin
-config.Dj_default:=a.readppBool('DJ On','0');
-config.Dj_comment:=a.readppBool('DJ Comment','0');
-config.burnpath:=a.readppstring('burnpath',' ');
-if config.autoexec<>'' then begin
- runprogram(config.autoexec,1,false);
-config.screensaverpath:=a.readppString('screensaverpath',' ');
-while x=0 do begin
-   setlength(,n);
-   s:=a.readppstring(inttostr(n-1),'');
-   if s<>'' then begin
-   end else break;
-while x=0 do begin
-   setlength(,n);
-   s:=a.readppstring(inttostr(n-1),'');
-   if s<>'' then begin
-   end else break;
-if (s<>'') and config.defaultfilteron=true then begin
-while x=0 do begin
-   setlength(,n);
-   if s<>'' then begin[n-1]:=s;
-   end else break;
- config.theme.sbut.Skin:=a.readppstring('sbut','');
- config.theme.sbut.Color:=a.readppinteger('cbut','');
- config.theme.skeypad.Skin:=a.readppstring('skeypad','');
- config.theme.skeypad.Color:=a.readppinteger('ckeypad','');
- config.theme.slcorner.Skin:=a.readppstring('slcorner','');
- config.theme.slcorner.Color:=a.readppinteger('clcorner','');
- config.theme.srcorner.Skin:=a.readppstring('srcorner','');
- config.theme.srcorner.Color:=a.readppinteger('crcorner','');
- config.theme.sblcorner.Skin:=a.readppstring('sblcorner','');
- config.theme.sblcorner.Color:=a.readppinteger('cblcorner','');
- config.theme.sbrcorner.Skin:=a.readppstring('sbrcorner','');
- config.theme.sbrcorner.Color:=a.readppinteger('cbrcorner','');
- config.theme.salphabuttons.Skin:=a.readppstring('salphabuttons','');
- config.theme.salphabuttons.Color:=a.readppinteger('calphabuttons','');
- config.theme.swidebut.Skin:=a.readppstring('swidebut','');
- config.theme.swidebut.Color:=a.readppinteger('cwidebut','');
- config.theme.sbackground.Skin:=a.readppstring('sbackground','');
- config.theme.sbackground.Color:=a.readppinteger('cbackground','');
- config.theme.alphaorientation:=a.readppinteger('alphaorientation','2');
- a.section:='Commercial';
- config.creditsystem:=a.readppbool('creditsystem','0');
- config.playspercoincredit:=a.readppinteger('playspercoincredit','5');
- config.allowfreecredit:=a.readppbool('allowfreecredit','1');
- config.bgvolumemax:=a.readppinteger('bgvolumemax','30');
- config.bgduration:=a.readppinteger('bgduration','15');
- config.bgwaittime:=a.readppinteger('bgwaittime','15');
- config.trackslogfile:=a.readppstring('trackslogfile','');
- config.credittotal:=a.readppinteger('credittotal','0');
- config.freecredittotal:=a.readppinteger('freecredittotal','0');
- config.bgvolume:=a.readppinteger('bgvolume','15');
-procedure writeini;
-n : integer;
-filterbytes : tfilterbytearray;
-pth : string;
-a : tinifile;
-s : string;
-altinipath : string;
-a.inipath:= ExtractFileDir(pth)+'\'+INIFILE;
-if altinipath<>'' then a.inipath:=altinipath;
-a.WritePPBool('DJ On',config.Dj_default);
-a.WritePPBool('DJ Comment',config.Dj_comment);
-//if reg.keyexists('Phrases') then reg.deletekey('Phrases');
-if phrases.count>0 then for n:=0 to phrases.count-1 do a.WritePPstring(inttostr(n),[n]);
-if genre.count>0 then for n:=0 to genre.count-1 do a.WritePPstring(inttostr(n),[n]);
-if ArtistType.count>0 then for n:=0 to ArtistType.count-1 do a.WritePPstring(inttostr(n),[n]);
-procedure loadblankmp3file;
-rs : Tresourcestream;
-fs : tfilestream;
-if fileexists(blankfilepath)=false then begin
-messagedlg('Cannot create temporary file. Please check .INI file and make sure '+cachepath+
-           ' exists and can be written to'#13#10'or specify and alterative temporary location under the "cachepath=" section of the .INI file',mtError,[MbOk],0);
-if fileexists(blankfilepath)=false then begin
-messagedlg('Cannot find temporary file. Please check .INI file and make sure '+cachepath+
-           ' exists and can be written to'#13#10'or specify and alterative temporary location under the "cachepath=" section of the .INI file',mtError,[MbOk],0);
-procedure Tmainform.albumlistChange(Sender: TObject);
-n : integer;
-spp,scrap : string;
-o : tbitmap;
-if albumcount<>0 then begin
-  spp:=album[n].path;
-  screen.cursor:=crhourglass;
-  loadjpegbmp(config.path+spp,o);
-  cover.picture.bitmap.assign(o);
-  cover.refresh;
-  screen.cursor:=crdefault;
-  albumlist.hint:=albumlist.items[albumlist.itemindex];
-  if albumcount<>0 then  if loadtitles(tracklist,n)=false then begin
-  maketitles(album[n].path,0,scrap);
-  loadtitles(tracklist,n)
-  end;
-if cdplayerbut.checked=true then begin
-procedure killspeech;
-procedure showerror(txt : string; errortype : integer);
-showerrortext : string;
-fl : textfile;
-dt : string;
-if errortype=0 then showerrortext:='File:'+copy(txt,1,length(txt)-1)+'? does not exist';
-if errortype=1 then showerrortext:='File:'+txt+' is corrupt';
-if (jukebox<>nil) then begin
-  if jukebox.visible=true then begin
-     jukebox.domessage(showerrortext);
-   end;
-if config.errorlog<>'' then begin
- assignfile(fl,config.errorlog);
- try
-  if fileexists(config.errorlog) then  append(fl) else rewrite(fl);
-  begin
-  if (filesize(fl)>(10240 div 128)) then begin; closefile(fl); rewrite(fl);end;
-  datetimetostring(dt,'ddddd tt',now);
-  writeln(fl,dt+' - '+showerrortext);
-  closefile(fl);
-  end;
- except;
- end;
-jukebox.panelshapeMouseDown(jukebox.rejectshape2,mbleft,[], 0, 0);
-if config.creditsystem=true then begin
-//if autoplaymode=true then startautoplay;
-//if ((uppercase(paramstr(1))='/J') or (KIOSK=true)) then exit;
-function gettrackatfilepos(i : integer;pth : string) : string;
-s : string;
-procedure Tmainform.tracklistClick(Sender: TObject);
-ts : string;
-fn : string;
-seconds : integer;
-minutes : integer;
-sec : string;
-If tracklist.itemindex<9 then ts:='0'+InttoStr(tracklist.itemindex+1) else ts:=InttoStr(tracklist.itemindex+1);
-If (tracklist.itemindex>-1) then begin
-  fn:=currentalbumpath+'\TRACK'+ts+'.MP3';
-  //if fileexists(fn)=false then fn:=currentalbumpath+'\'+tracklist.items[tracklist.itemindex]+'.mp3';
-if fileexists(fn)=false then begin
-  fn:=currentalbumpath+'\'+gettrackatfilepos(tracklist.itemindex+1,copy(currentalbumpath,length(config.path),length(currentalbumpath)));
-if fn='' then begin
-mainform.caption:='No track';
-if fileexists(fn)=false then begin
- //extractalbumartist(fn,alb,art);
- showerror(fn,0);
- exit;
- setupfrequency;
- seconds:=mp.length div 1000;
- minutes:= seconds div 60;
- seconds:=seconds-(minutes*60);
- sec := inttostr(seconds);
- if seconds<10 then sec:='0'+inttostr(seconds);
- counter.caption:=inttostr(minutes)+':'+sec;
- Tr.Caption:='LEN';
-if albumlist.Items.count = 0 then exit;
-mainform.caption:=albumlist.items[albumlist.itemindex]+' : '+tracklist.items[tracklist.itemindex];
-if jukebox<>nil then jukebox.domessage('Now playing: '+mainform.caption);
-procedure Tmainform.MPNotify(Sender: TObject);
-alb : string;
-wasautoplaying: boolean;
-if paused=true then begin
-If (Mp.NotifyValue=nvSuccessful) then autoplaying:=false;
-If playlistbut.checked=true then begin
-If (Mp.NotifyValue=nvSuccessful) and (playmode=1) then begin
-    If dcurrentlyplayingtrack+1<=dplaylist.items.count-1 then begin
-       dcurrentlyplayingtrack:=dcurrentlyplayingtrack+1;
-       if playlistpanel.Visible=true then;
-       alb:=setuptrackname(dcurrentlyplayingtrack);
-       playmode:=0;
-       MP.Notify:=true;
-       timers.enabled:=true;
-       sorttimemode;
-       if showcover.checked=true then begin
-       covershow(dPlayListMatrixAlb[dcurrentlyplayingtrack],true);
-       end;
-        if dj.down=true then doDJ(dPlayListMatrixAlb[dcurrentlyplayingtrack]);
-        mpplay;
-        if mutebut.down=true then volchange(mutebut) else volchange(sender);
-        playmode:=1;
-       play.down:=true;
-    end
-    else begin
-       stop.down:=true;
-       timers.enabled:=false;
-       counter.caption:='---';
-       mainform.caption:='No track';
-       if jukebox.visible=true then jukebox.domessage('');
-       vol.Position:=config.volume;
-       jukebox.backgroundtimer.tag:=1;
-       jukebox.backgroundtimercount:=0;
-       if (wasautoplaying=true) and (autoplaymode=true) then startautoplay;
-    end;
-    end;
-  MP.Notify:=true;
-If playlistbut.checked=true then exit;
- If (Mp.NotifyValue=nvSuccessful) and (playmode=1) then begin
- If tracklist.itemindex+1<tracklist.items.count then begin
- tracklist.itemindex:=tracklist.itemindex+1;
- tracklistClick(tracklist);
- playmode:=0;
- MP.Notify:=true;
- timers.enabled:=true;
- sorttimemode;
- //alb:=setuptrackname(dcurrentlyplayingtrack);
- if dj.down=true then doDJ(dPlayListMatrixAlb[dcurrentlyplayingtrack]);
- mpplay;
- if mutebut.down=true then volchange(mutebut) else volchange(sender);
- playmode:=1;
- play.down:=true;
- end
- else begin
- stop.down:=true;
- timers.enabled:=false;
- vol.Position:=config.volume;
- if autoplaymode=true then startautoplay;
- end;
-  end;
-  MP.Notify:=true;
-procedure Tmainform.playClick(Sender: TObject);
-alb : string;
-{Play List Style}
-//if play.down=false then begin
-if paused=true then begin
-if mutebut.down=true then volchange(mutebut) else volchange(sender);
-dcurrentlyplayingtrack :=dplaylist.itemindex;;
-if playlistpanel.Visible=true then;
-If dcurrentlyplayingtrack=-1 then dcurrentlyplayingtrack:=0;
-if playlistbut.checked = true then begin
-if dj.down=true then doDJ(dplaylistMatrixAlb[dcurrentlyplayingtrack]);
- if showcover.checked=true then begin
-       covershow(dplaylistMatrixAlb[dcurrentlyplayingtrack],true);
-  end;
-if mutebut.down=true then volchange(mutebut) else volchange(sender);
-if playlistbut.checked = true then exit;
-{CD Style}
-//if dj.down=true then doDJ(dPlayListMatrixAlb[dcurrentlyplayingtrack]);
-if mutebut.down=true then volchange(mutebut) else volchange(sender);
-procedure Tmainform.StopClick(Sender: TObject);
-//if jukebox<>nil then if jukebox.visible=true then jukebox.domessage('');
-if assigned(video) then if video.Visible=true  then video.hide;
-if jukebox.coverimagepanel.Visible=true then jukebox.coverimagepanel.Visible:=false;
-if playlistbut.checked=true then begin
-dcurrentlyplayingtrack :=dplaylist.itemindex;
-if (uppercase(copy(,length(,1))='G') then loadblankmp3file;
-If dcurrentlyplayingtrack=-1 then dcurrentlyplayingtrack:=0;
-{$IFDEF backgroundstreamplayer}
-{$IFDEF backgroundstreamplayer}
-procedure Tmainform.bckClick(Sender: TObject);
-dplaymodewas : integer;
-If playlistbut.checked=true then begin
-if playmode=1 then begin
-   dplaymodewas:=1;
-   end;
-   if (dplaylist.itemindex>0) then dplaylist.itemindex:=dplaylist.itemindex-1;
-   dplaylistclick(sender);
-   if dplaymodewas=1 then playclick(sender);
-  exit
-If playmode=0 then begin
- If tracklist.itemindex-1>-1 then begin
- tracklist.itemindex:=tracklist.itemindex-1;
- tracklistClick(tracklist);
- end;
-If (playmode=1) then begin
- If tracklist.itemindex-1>-1 then begin
- tracklist.itemindex:=tracklist.itemindex-1;
- tracklistClick(tracklist);
- playmode:=0;
- MP.Notify:=true;
- sorttimemode;
- mpplay;
- if mutebut.down=true then volchange(mutebut) else volchange(sender);
- timers.enabled:=true;
- playmode:=1;
- play.down:=true;
- end
- else begin
- If tracklist.itemindex-1>-1 then begin
- tracklist.itemindex:=tracklist.itemindex-1;
- tracklistClick(tracklist);
- timers.enabled:=false;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- If playmode=1 then play.down:=true;
- If playmode=0 then stop.down:=true;
-procedure Tmainform.fwdClick(Sender: TObject);
-dplaymodewas : integer;
-If playlistbut.checked=true then begin
-   dplaymodewas:=0;
- if playmode=1 then begin
-   dplaymodewas:=1;
-   //stopclick(sender);
-   //stop.down:=true;
- end;
- if (dplaylist.itemindex>=0) then begin
-   dplaylist.itemindex:=dplaylist.itemindex+1;
-   dplaylistclick(sender);
-   if dplaymodewas=1 then playclick(sender);
- end;
-If playmode=0 then begin
- If tracklist.itemindex+1<tracklist.items.count then begin
- tracklist.itemindex:=tracklist.itemindex+1;
- tracklistClick(tracklist);
- End;
- End;
-If (playmode=1) then begin
- If tracklist.itemindex+1<tracklist.items.count then begin
- tracklist.itemindex:=tracklist.itemindex+1;
- tracklistClick(tracklist);
- playmode:=0;
- MP.Notify:=true;
- sorttimemode;
- mpplay;
- if mutebut.down=true then volchange(mutebut) else volchange(sender);
- timers.enabled:=true;
- playmode:=1;
- play.down:=true;
- end
- else begin
- If tracklist.itemindex+1<tracklist.items.count then begin
- tracklist.itemindex:=tracklist.itemindex+1;
- tracklistClick(tracklist);
- timers.enabled:=false;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- If playmode=1 then play.down:=true;
- If playmode=0 then stop.down:=true;
-procedure Tmainform.TimersTimer(Sender: TObject);
-seconds : integer;
-minutes : integer;
-sec : string;
-//if audition_mode=true then begin
-//if mp.Position>5000then fwdclick(Sender);
- progressmove:=true;
-if mp.error=0 then progress.max:=Round(mp.length/1000);
- progress.position:=Round(mp.position/1000);
-{$IFDEF backgroundstreamplayer}
- progressmove:=false;
- seconds:=progress.position;
- minutes:= seconds div 60;
- seconds:=seconds-(minutes*60);
- sec := inttostr(seconds);
- If timermode=0 then begin
- if seconds<10 then sec:='0'+inttostr(seconds);
- counter.caption:=inttostr(minutes)+':'+sec;
-If timermode=1 then begin
- seconds:=round((mp.length-mp.position)/1000);
- minutes:= seconds div 60;
- seconds:=seconds-(minutes*60);
- sec := inttostr(seconds);
- if seconds<10 then sec:='0'+inttostr(seconds);
- counter.caption:=inttostr(minutes)+':'+sec;
-{$IFDEF backgroundstreamplayer}
-procedure Tmainform.timemodebutClick(Sender: TObject);
-if timermode=0 then begin
-else begin
-procedure Tmainform.sorttimemode;
-if timermode=1 then begin
-counter.hint:='Time Remaining';
-tr.hint:='Time Remaining';
-else begin
-counter.hint:='Time Elapsed';
-tr.hint:='Time Elapsed';
-procedure Tmainform.playlistbutClick(Sender: TObject);
-if dalbumlist.itemindex=-1 then begin
-If playlistbut.checked=true then begin
-procedure Tmainform.CdplayerbutClick(Sender: TObject);
-If cdplayerbut.checked=true then begin
-procedure Tmainform.randombutClick(Sender: TObject);
-procedure Tmainform.DalbumlistChange(Sender: TObject);
-n : integer;
-spp,scrap: string;
-{playlist Style}
-  n:=dalbumlist.itemindex+1;
-  config.dlastalbum:=n;
-if albumcount<>0 then begin
-  spp:=album[n].path;
-  dalbumlist.hint:=dalbumlist.items[dalbumlist.itemindex];
- if albumcount<>0 then  if loadtitles(dtracklist,n)=false then begin
-     maketitles(album[n].path,0,scrap);
-     loadtitles(dtracklist,n)
-  end;
-  dtracklist.itemindex:=0;
-procedure Tmainform.dtracklistClick(Sender: TObject);
-hintitem : string;
-if (dtracklist.itemindex>-1) and (dtracklist.items.count>0) then hintitem:='"'+dtracklist.items[dtracklist.itemindex]+'"';
-add.hint:='Add '+hintitem+' to end of playlist';
-Insert.hint:='Insert "'+hintitem+'" into playlist';
-If dtracklist.itemindex>-1 then add.enabled:=true;
-If dplaylist.itemindex>-1 then del.enabled:=true;
-If dplaylist.itemindex=-1 then del.enabled:=false;
-procedure Tmainform.AddClick(Sender: TObject);
-n : integer;
-alb,art : string;
-if (config.norepeat=true) and (dplaylist.itemindex>-1) then begin
- for n:=dplaylist.itemindex to dplaylist.items.count-1 do begin;
- if  (dplaylistMatrixAlb[n]=dcurrentalbumpath) and  (dplaylistMatrixTrk[n]=dtrackList.itemindex+1) then begin
-  jukebox.domessage('NO CREDIT TAKEN - TRACK ALREADY IN QUEUE');
-  exit;
- end;
- end;
-if (dtracklist.itemindex>-1) then begin
-   dplaylist.items.add (dtracklist.items[dtracklist.itemindex]);
-   setlength(dplaylistmatrixtrk,dplaylist.items.count+1);
-   setlength(dplaylistMatrixAlb,dplaylist.items.count+1);
-   dplaylistMatrixAlb[dcurrenttrack]:=dcurrentalbumpath;
-   dplaylistMatrixTrk[dcurrenttrack]:=dtrackList.itemindex+1;
-   dcurrenttrack:=dcurrenttrack+1;
-   if jukebox<>nil then begin
-    if dtracklist.itemindex+1<dtracklist.items.count then jukebox.domessage('Added Track: '+dtracklist.items[dtracklist.itemindex]);
-    if config.trackslogfile<>'' then begin
-     extractalbumartist(dcurrentalbumpath,alb,art);
-     jukebox.log.writeentry(art,alb,dtracklist.items[dtracklist.itemindex]);
-    end;
-   end;
-   if dplaylist.items.count>0 then begin
-      play.enabled:=true;
-      fwd.enabled:=true;
-      bck.enabled:=true;
-      pause.enabled:=true;
-   end;
-   if dplaylist.itemindex=-1 then begin
-      dplaylist.itemindex:=0;
-      dplaylistclick(Sender);
-   end;
-if dplaylist.items.count>0 then begin
-   //save.enabled:=true;
-   clearlist.enabled:=true;
-   end
-   else begin
-   //save.enabled:=false;
-   clearlist.enabled:=false;
-procedure Tmainform.dplaylistClick(Sender: TObject);
-if dplaylist.itemindex>-1 then del.hint:='Remove "'+dplaylist.items[dplaylist.itemindex]+'" from playlist';
-If dplaylist.itemindex>-1 then del.enabled:=true;
-If dplaylist.itemindex=-1 then del.enabled:=false;
-if (sender=dplaylist) and (dplaylist.itemindex<>-1) and (dplaylist.itemindex<>dcurrentlyplayingtrack) then playbutmod.visible:=true;
-if (sender=dplaylist) and (dplaylist.itemindex=dcurrentlyplayingtrack) then playbutmod.visible:=false;
-if sender=dplaylist then begin
-//   menupos:=mouse.cursorpos;
-//   dplaylistmenu.popup(menupos.x,menupos.y);
-procedure Tmainform.DelClick(Sender: TObject);
-old : integer;
-n : integer;
-//if dplaylist.items.count>0 then save.enabled:=true else save.enabled:=false;
-for n:=old to dplaylist.Items.count do begin
-If dplaylist.Items.count > 0 then begin
-If old<=dplaylist.Items.count-1 then dplaylist.itemindex:=old else begin
-else begin
-if dplaylist.items.count=0 then begin
-function Tmainform.setuptrackname(num : integer) : string;
-ts : string;
-fn : string;
-seconds : integer;
-minutes : integer;
-sec : string;
-alb : string;
-scrap1,scrap2 : string;
-a,b : string;
-videomode : boolean;
-if albumcount=0 then exit;
-if length(dplaylistMatrixAlb)=0 then exit;
-If dplaylistMatrixTrk[num]<10 then ts:='0'+inttostr(dplaylistMatrixTrk[num]) else ts:=inttostr(dplaylistMatrixTrk[num]);
-//if fileexists(fn)=false then fn:=alb+'\TRACK'+ts+'.MPG';
-if fileexists(fn)=false then begin
-  fn:=alb+'\'+gettrackatfilepos(dplaylistMatrixTrk[num],copy(alb,length(config.path),length(alb)));
-if (fn='') or (alb='') then begin
-mainform.caption:='No track';
-if fileexists(fn)=false then begin
-if (dplaylist.itemindex)<>dplaylist.items.count-1 then begin
-fn:=a+' '+b+' TRACK: '+ts;
-if (uppercase(copy(mp.filename,length(mp.filename),1))='G')then begin
-  if ((videomode=false) or (config.videomonitor=0)) then begin
-    jukebox.jbcovershow('');
-   end else begin
-    videoshow;
-   end;
- setupfrequency;
- seconds:=mp.length div DIVISION;
- minutes:= seconds div 60;
- seconds:=seconds-(minutes*60);
- sec := inttostr(seconds);
- if seconds<10 then sec:='0'+inttostr(seconds);
- counter.caption:=inttostr(minutes)+':'+sec;
- Tr.Caption:='LEN';
- Tr.Refresh;
-mainform.caption:=dplaylist.items[num]+' - '+extractalbumandaristfrompath(dplaylistMatrixAlb[num],scrap1,scrap2);
-jukebox.domessage('Now playing '+mainform.caption);
-procedure Tmainform.restoreClick(Sender: TObject);
-procedure Tmainform.picturepanelClick(Sender: TObject);
-procedure Tmainform.clearlistClick(Sender: TObject);
-procedure Tmainform.coverMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
-  Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
-//if button=mbRight then thumbviewgo(true);
-procedure Tmainform.doDJ(album : string);
-a,b,c,d : integer;
-pre : string;
-artist,alb,track : string;
-if phrases.count>0 then begin
-a :=round(random(phrases.count));[a];
-a := round(random*phrases.count-1);
-if (a=((phrases.count+1) div 2)) and (config.timeannounce=true) then pre:=formatdatetime('hh mm',time);
-if playlistbut.checked=true then track:=dplaylist.items[dplaylist.itemindex];
-if cdplayerbut.checked=true then track:=tracklist.items[tracklist.itemindex];
-d := round(random*3)+1;
-c := round(random*3)+1;
-b := round(random*2)+1;
-a:= round(random*40)+140;
-case d of
-1 : d:=vtxtst_STATEMENT;
-2 : d:=vtxtst_COMMAND;
-3 : d:=vtxtst_WARNING;
-4 : d:=vtxtst_READING;
-5 : d:=vtxtst_QUESTION;
-case c of
-1 : c:=vtxtst_STATEMENT;
-2 : c:=vtxtst_COMMAND;
-3 : c:=vtxtst_WARNING;
-4 : c:=vtxtst_READING;
-5 : d:=vtxtst_QUESTION;
-if  config.dj_comment=false then begin
-//speak(artist+','+' '+alb+','+track ,a , d or vtxtst_VERYHIGH);
-//if dplaylist.itemindex<>0 then speak(pre, a, c or vtxtst_VERYHIGH);
-//if b=1 then speak(track+' by '+artist, a,  d or vtxtst_VERYHIGH);
-//if b=2 then speak(track+' from '+alb+' by '+artist,a , d or vtxtst_VERYHIGH);
-//if b=3 then speak(track+' '+artist ,a , d or vtxtst_VERYHIGH);
-procedure Tmainform.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
-{if initcovers<>nil then begin
-   initcovers.terminate;
-  // initcovers.waitfor;
-procedure Tmainform.numberoftracksTimer(Sender: TObject);
-numoftracks,currenttrack : string;
-if playmode=0 then begin
-playlistcaption.caption:=numoftracks+' tracks';
-if playmode=1 then begin
-playlistcaption.caption:=currenttrack+'\'+numoftracks+' tracks';
-if playlistcaption.tag=0 then begin
-if playlistcaption.tag=1 then begin
-procedure Tmainform.coverClick(Sender: TObject);
-//if tracklist.items.count>0 then mainform.playlist.setfocus;
-procedure Tmainform.showcoverClick(Sender: TObject);
-if (showcover.checked=true) and (playmode=1) and (dplaylist.itemindex<>-1) then begin;
-if dcurrentlyplayingtrack=0 then exit;
-procedure Tmainform.skipbackward(Sender: TObject);
-if (progress.position-(progress.linesize*2)>0) then progress.position:=progress.position-(progress.linesize*2) else progress.Position:=0;
-if playmode=1 then begin
-if paused=false then play.down:=true else pause.down:=true;
-procedure Tmainform.progressChange(Sender: TObject);
-seekst : TMCI_Seek_Parms;
-if progressmove=false then begin
-seekst.dwTo := progress.position*DIVISION;
-if (progresslastpos<>seekst.dwTo)  then begin
-mciSendCommand(mp.DeviceID, MCI_SEEK,MCI_TO or MCI_WAIT,longint(@seekst));
-if (paused=false) and (stop.down=false) then begin;
-{$IFDEF backgroundstreamplayer}
-  stopStream();
-  end;
-if paused=false then exit;
-if (playmode=1) and (paused=false) then begin
-if mutebut.down=true then volchange(mutebut) else volchange(sender);
-procedure Tmainform.skipforwardClick(Sender: TObject);
-if (progress.position+(progress.linesize*2)<progress.max) then progress.position:=progress.position+(progress.linesize*2) else progress.position:=progress.max;
-if playmode=1 then begin
-if paused=false then play.down:=true else pause.down:=true;
-procedure Tmainform.pauseClick(Sender: TObject);
-if paused=true then begin
-procedure Tmainform.volChange(Sender: TObject);
-if sender<>mutebut then mutebut.down:=false;
-   drawtriangle(vol.position);
-   { Volume: 0 - 1000 }
-   p.dwCallback := 0;
-   p.dwValue := 1000* vol.position div VOLINCREMENTS;
-   if vol.position=VOLINCREMENTS then begin
-      p.dwValue:=1000;
-   end;
-   if mutebut.down=true then p.dwValue:=0;
-   p.dwOver := 0;
-   p.lpstrAlgorithm := nil;
-   p.lpstrQuality := nil;
-   if (vol.position>0) then setStreamVolume(vol.position / VOLINCREMENTS) else setStreamVolume(0);
-   if (volumedisplay<>nil) then begin
-    if (sender=vol) or (sender=mutebut) then volume.draw(vol.position);
-    if (jukebox.Visible=true)
-    //and (ripmain.visible=false)
-    then jukebox.SetFocus;
-   end;
-procedure tmainform.drawtriangle(pos : integer);
-a : array [0..2] of tpoint;
-fs : tfillstyle;
-p : tpoint;
-pnm : tpenmode;
-r : integer;
-m : integer;
-pos:=round(pos / 3.3);
-r:=round( ((mainform.vol_triangle.width-2) / 10)*pos);
-if pos=0 then exit;
-procedure Tmainform.mutebutClick(Sender: TObject);
-{$IFDEF backgroundstreamplayer}
-procedure Tmainform.auditionClick(Sender: TObject);
-if audition.down=true then begin
-if audition.down=false then begin
-procedure tmainform.mpplay;
-alb,art,fn : string;
-if fileexists(mp.filename)=false then begin
-//fn:=alb+' '+art;
-if audition_mode=false then try;
-{$IFDEF backgroundstreamplayer}
-except; end;
-if audition_mode=true then begin
-{$IFDEF backgroundstreamplayer}
-procedure Tmainform.djClick(Sender: TObject);
-//if (DJ.down=true) then if (initspeech<>0) then begin
-{$IFNDEF kiosk}
-messagedlg('The Microsoft Text-to-Speech runtime files (SAPI) are not installed on this system.',mterror,[mbOk],0);
-procedure Tmainform.coverpickbutClick(Sender: TObject);
-procedure tmainform.initlistboxes;
-n : integer;
-hidden : boolean;
-While (n<albumcount) do begin
-//if (albumref[n].artist<>'') and (albumref[n].album <>'') then begin
- albumlist.items.addobject (albumref[n].artist+' - '+albumref[n].album,@albumref[n]);
- dalbumlist.items.add (albumref[n].artist+' - '+albumref[n].album);
-//MOVE _* to end of list
-if dalbumlist.items.count>0 then  begin
-while dalbumlist.items[n][1]='_' do begin
- dalbumlist.items.Move(n,dalbumlist.items.count-1);
- albumlist.items.Move(n,albumlist.items.count-1);
-initmessage('Creating albumlists..','','');
-for n:=0 to albumlist.items.count-1 do begin
- for x:=1 to albumcount do begin
- application.processmessages;
- if comparetext(albumlist.items[n],albumref[x].artist+' - '+albumref[x].album)=0 then begin
-    album[n+1].artist:=albumref[x].artist;
-    album[n+1].album:=albumref[x].album;
-   end;
-initmessage('Creating albumlists....','','');
-if (mp.filename<>'') and (cdplayerbut.checked=true) and (play.down=true) then
-if (config.lastalbum<=albumlist.items.count) and  (config.dlastalbum>0) then albumlist.itemindex:=config.lastalbum-1 else albumlist.itemindex:=0;
-if (config.dlastalbum<=dalbumlist.items.count) and  (config.dlastalbum>0) then dalbumlist.itemindex:=config.dlastalbum-1 else dalbumlist.itemindex:=0;
-if albumcount=0 then hidden:=false else hidden:=true;
-if (hidden=false) and (dplaylist.items.count=0) then begin
-       cdplayerbutclick(nil);
-       butcdlist.visible:=hidden;
-       playlistbut.enabled:=hidden;
-if (hidden=false) and (cdplayerbut.checked=true) and (dplaylist.items.count<>0) then begin
-       playlistbutclick(nil);
-   dtracklist.clear;
-   //open.enabled:=true;
-   add.enabled:=hidden;
-   insert.enabled:=hidden;
-   transport.Enabled:=hidden;
-   playpanel.visible:=hidden;
-   //menuprint.enabled:=hidden;
-   tracklist.visible:=hidden;
-   cover.visible:=hidden;
-   coverpanel.visible:=hidden;
-   butcdlist.visible:=true;
-   playlistbut.enabled:=true;
-   albumlist.enabled:=hidden;
-   dalbumlist.enabled:=hidden;
-   //trackedit.enabled:=hidden;
-   //burncdbut.enabled:=hidden;
-   //butcdburn.visible:=hidden;
-   butcd.visible:=hidden;
-   CDplayerbut.enabled:=hidden;
-   randombut.enabled:=hidden;
-   jukeboxbut.enabled:=true;
-   coverpickbut.enabled:=hidden;
-   butrandom.visible:=hidden;
-   butjukebox.visible:=hidden;
-initmessage('Initialising Jukebox....','','');
-//if (albumlist.items.count>2) then begin
-if albumcount=0 then jukebox.domessage('No CDs on system');
-if ((uppercase(paramstr(1))='/J') or (KIOSK=true)) and (jukeboxbut.enabled=true)  then  begin
-   if (config.autoplay=true) and (albumcount>0) then begin
-      initautoplay;
-      startautoplay;
-   end;
-   jukeboxbutclick(nil);
-procedure Tmainform.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
-hc : hcursor;
-devrem : pchar;
-_devrem : string;
-remv : integer;
-reg : Tregistry;
-pp : tbitmap;
-tr : Trect;
-{$IFDEF backgroundstreamplayer}
-{$IFNDEF kiosk}
-toolbar.ControlStyle:=toolbar.ControlStyle + [csOpaque];
-//create jukebox mode backdrop; needed if jukebox for can't be launched as well (jbnoalbums)
-{$IFDEF kiosk}
-{$IFDEF tv}
-if uppercase(paramstr(1))='KIOSK' then kiosk:=true;
-if (kiosk=true) then begin
-if readini=false then begin
- if application.messagebox('Empathy is not yet configured for this user. Configure it now?','Empathy Configuration Not Found',MB_APPLMODAL or MB_ICONQUESTION or MB_YESNO)=IDNO then begin
- application.terminate;
- exit;
- end;
-if getwindowsversion<6 then config.cdopt:=0 else config.cdopt:=1;
-phrases.count:=10;[0]:='Great!';[1]:='Nice!';[2]:='Just Great!';[3]:='Here we go.';[4]:='Excellent';[5]:='Rockin.';[6]:='Good Sounds';[7]:='Lets keep them coming';[8]:='Super!';[9]:='Yeh.';
-setlength(,genre.count);[0]:='Ambient';[1]:='Blues';[2]:='Childrens';[3]:='Classical';[4]:='Comedy';[5]:='Country';[6]:='Dance';[7]:='Disco';[8]:='Easy Listening';[9]:='Electronic';[10]:='Folk';[11]:='Funk';[12]:='Hip Hop';[13]:='Jazz';[14]:='Latin';[15]:='Metal';[16]:='Miscellaneous';[17]:='New Wave';[18]:='Pop';[19]:='Punk';[20]:='Reggae';[21]:='R and B';[22]:='Rock';[23]:='Rock and Roll';[24]:='Spoken Word';[25]:='Various';[26]:='World';
-setlength(,ArtistType.count);[0]:='Band';[1]:='DJ';[2]:='Duo';[3]:='Female singer/songwriter';[4]:='Male singer/songwriter';[5]:='Female solo artist';[6]:='Male solo artist';[7]:='Orchestra';[8]:='Ensemble';[9]:='Various';
-if firstrun=true then begin
-paused := false;
-if getwindowsversion>2 then begin
-   reg.openkey('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts',false) end
-   else begin
-   reg.openkey('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Fonts',false);
-   end;
-if reg.valueexists('Empathy Digital Font (TrueType)')=false then installfont;;
-if loadedblankmp3file=false then loadblankmp3file;
-if (remv and DRIVE_REMOVABLE)=DRIVE_REMOVABLE then deviceremoveable:=true else deviceremoveable:=true;
-buildcontentlist(firstrun);; {=false then begin
-  if (firstrun=true) and (about.visible=true) then begin
-   about.close;
-   screen.cursor:=crDefault;
-  end;
-if config.lastalbum<=albumlist.items.count then albumlist.itemindex:=config.lastalbum-1 else albumlist.itemindex:=0;
-if config.dlastalbum<=dalbumlist.items.count then dalbumlist.itemindex:=config.dlastalbum-1 else dalbumlist.itemindex:=0;
-if (about.visible=true) then begin
-   about.close;
-   screen.cursor:=crDefault;
-function tmainform.buildcontentlist(forceload : boolean) : boolean;
-res,n,x : integer;
-SearchRec : TSearchRec;
-fAge : TDateTime;
-scrap : string;
-SavedErrorMode : dword;
-if forceload=false then begin
-   result:=true;
-    if albumcount=0 then result:=false;
-   exit;
-res:=FindFirst(config.path+'*.', {viewgit}{/viewgit}000010, searchrec);
-initmessage('Building Album List....','','');
-if res=0 then begin
-while res=0 do begin
-if ('.') or ('..') then begin
-        res:=FindNext(searchrec);
-        continue;
-if (x>0)  then begin
-    albumref[n].artist:=copy(,0,x-1);
-    albumref[n].album:=copy(,x+2,length(;
-end else begin
-    x:=pos('-',;
-    if (x>0) then begin
-    albumref[n].artist:=copy(,0,x-1);
-    albumref[n].album:=copy(,x+2,length(;
-    end else begin
-    albumref[n];
-    albumref[n];
-    end;
-    albumref[n];
-    GetFileAge(,fAge);
-    albumref[n].added:=fAge;
-    albumrefonload[n].path:=albumref[n].path;
-    albumrefonload[n].artist:=albumref[n].artist;
-    albumrefonload[n].album:=albumref[n].album;
-    if (fileexists(config.path+'\''\title.dat'))=false then begin
-      if not maketitles(,0,scrap) then dec(n);
-    end else begin
-     //if blank create
-      if (w32filesize(config.path+'\''\title.dat')=0) then begin
-        if not maketitles(,0,scrap) then dec(n);
-      end;
-    end;
-        res:=FindNext(searchrec);
-    initmessage('Building Album List: ',albumref[n].artist,albumref[n].album);
-    application.processmessages;
-//if kiosk=false then loadalbuminformation;
-procedure Tmainform.trackeditClick(Sender: TObject);
-{$IFNDEF kiosk}
-if cdplayerbut.checked=true then if showtitleedit(albumlist.itemindex)=1 then begin
-if playlistbut.checked=true then if showtitleedit(dalbumlist.itemindex)=1 then begin
-function tmainform.loadtitles (sender : TListbox; albumindex : integer) : boolean;
-content : textfile;
-spp : string;
-fn : string;
-if albumcount=0 then exit;
-  AssignFile(content,fn);
-  spp:=album[albumindex].path;
-  if sender=tracklist then currentalbumpath:=config.path+spp;
-  if sender=dtracklist then dcurrentalbumpath:=config.path+spp;
- try
-  Reset(content);
- except;
-  result:=true;
-  exit;
- end;
-            sender.clear;
-              While (NOT EOF(content)) do begin
-                   Readln (content,spp);
-                  //tracklist.items.add('['+format('%.2d',[tracknm])+'] - '+spp);
-                   if spp<>'' then sender.items.add(spp) else sender.items.add('Unknown track name');
-             end;
-function Tmainform.maketitles(path : string;gettrack : integer;var fn : string) : boolean;
-content : textfile;
-searchrec : tsearchrec;
-res : integer;
-tn : string;
-files : tstringlist;
-fns : array of array [0..512] of ansichar;
-f,l,scrap,n : integer;
-t : int64;
-id3 : tid3tag;
-s : string;
-files := tstringlist.Create();
-res:=FindFirst(config.path+'\'+path+'\*.*', faanyfile, searchrec);
- if res=0 then begin
-           while res=0 do begin
-           if checkfileextension(Searchrec.Name) then begin tn:=copy(searchrec.Name,1,length(;
-              if (tn<>'') then begin
-               t:=DateTimeToUnix(searchrec.FindData.ftCreationTime.dwHighDateTime);
-                 setlength(fns,length(fns)+1);
-                 strpcopy(fns[length(fns)-1],searchrec.Name);
-                 files.AddObject(format('%.17d',[t])+' '+tn,@fns[length(fns)-1]);
-              end;
-           end;
-           res:=FindNext(searchrec);
-           end;
- end;
-// Sort by Creation date
-//Check for numbers on first and last files - if there remove unixtime and re-sort;
-if files.Count>0 then begin
-if (scrap=0) then begin
-  for n := 0 to files.count-1 do begin
-    files[n]:=trim(copy(files[n],18,length(files[n])));
-    if (copy(files[n],length(files[n]),1)='.') then files[n]:=copy(files[n],1,length(files[n])-1);
-    if (copy(files[n],1,1)=' ') then begin
-     files[n]:=trim(copy(files[n],1,length(files[n])));
-    end;
-  end;
- files.sort;
- for n := 0 to files.count-1 do begin
-    files[n]:=copy(files[n],4,length(files[n]));
-    files[n]:=trim(copy(files[n],1,length(files[n])));
-  end;
- for n := 0 to files.count-1 do begin
-     if (copy(files[n],1,2)='- ') then begin
-     files[n]:=trim(copy(files[n],2,length(files[n])));
- end;
- end;
-end else begin
-    for n := 0 to files.count-1 do begin
-    files[n]:=copy(files[n],19,length(files[n]));
-    if (uppercase(files[n])='TRACK'+format('%.2d',[n+1])) then begin
-        s:=strpas(pansichar(files.objects[n]));
-        id3:=readtag(config.path+'\'+path+'\'+s);
-        if (id3.track<>'') then files[n]:=id3.track;
-    end;
-    end;
-//TODO - This causes and occasional list index out of bound
-if gettrack=0 then files.SaveToFile(config.path+'\'+path+'\title.dat') else begin
-  if (gettrack-1<=(files.count-1)) then fn:=strpas(pansichar(files.objects[gettrack-1]));
-{$IFNDEF kiosk}
-//if messagedlg('No title information file found for '+album[albumindex].artist+' '+album[albumindex].album+'. Enter title info now?',mtConfirmation,[MbYes,MbNo],0)=MrYes then showtitleedit(albumindex);
-{procedure tmainform.WMDeviceChange(var msg : TMDeviceChange);
-DEV_ARRIVAL =   00;
-TDEV_BROADCAST_HDR = packed record
-dbch_size: DWORD;
-dbch_devicetype : DWORD;
-dbch_reserved : DWORD;
-TDEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME = packed record
-dbcv_size : DWORD;
-dbcv_devicetype : DWORD;
-dbcv_reserved : DWORD;
-dbcv_unitmask : DWORD;
-dbcv_flags : WORD;
-driveletter : shortint;
-unitmask : longint;
-if deviceremoveable=false then exit;
-lpdb :=PDEV_BROADCAST_HDR(msg.dwData);
-if lpdb=nil then exit;
-if (lpdb^.dbch_devicetype= {viewgit}{/viewgit}000002) then begin
-     lpdbv :=PDEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME(Msg.dwData);
-   end;
-while(unitmask and 1)=0 do begin
-unitmask :=unitmask shr 1;
-if char(driveletter)<>(config.path[1]) then exit;
-case Msg.Event of
-//win 9x only
-if playmode=1 then begin
-if mp.filename<>'' then begin
-if playmode=1 then begin
-if mp.filename<>'' then begin
-DEV_ARRIVAL : begin
- }
-procedure tmainform.hideall;
-   cdplayerbutclick(nil);
-   //open.enabled:=false;
-   playpanel.visible:=false;
-   butcdlist.visible:=false;
-   playlistbut.enabled:=false;
-   tracklist.visible:=false;
-   cover.visible:=false;
-   coverpanel.visible:=false;
-   butcdlist.visible:=false;
-   playlistbut.enabled:=true;
-   albumlist.enabled:=false;
-   //menuprint.enabled:=false;
-   dalbumlist.enabled:=false;
-   //trackedit.enabled:=false;
-   //burncdbut.enabled:=false;
-   //butcdburn.visible:=false;
-   butcd.visible:=false;
-   CDplayerbut.enabled:=false;
-   randombut.enabled:=false;
-   jukeboxbut.enabled:=true;
-   coverpickbut.enabled:=false;
-   butrandom.visible:=false;
-   butjukebox.visible:=false;
-   transport.Enabled:=false;
-   stop.down:=true;
-   play.down:=false;
-   //if kiosk=true then begin
-   // jb:=TJukeboxnoalbums.Create(application);
-   // Jb.showmodal;
-   //;
-   //end;
-procedure Tmainform.OptionsClick(Sender: TObject);
-//if res=1 then hideall;
-procedure Tmainform.ThumbscancelClick(Sender: TObject);
-     windowstate:=wsNormal;
-     restoreClick(sender);
-     cancelthumbs:=true;
-     mainmenuvisible(true);
-     toolbar.visible:=true;
-procedure Tmainform.FormResize(Sender: TObject);
-//if jukebox.visible=true then jukebox.setfocus;
-procedure Tmainform.setupfrequency;
- progress.max:=Round (mp.length / DIVISION);
- progress.linesize:=1;
- progress.pagesize:=100;
- progress.frequency:=5;
-procedure Tmainform.ReturntoPlayerClick(Sender: TObject);
-procedure Tmainform.AddalltrackstoplaylistClick(Sender: TObject);
-n,i : integer;
-for n:=1 to albumcount do begin
-if sender=thumb[n] then begin
-     restoreClick(sender);
-     albumlist.itemindex:=n-1;
-     albumlistChange(sender);
-     dalbumlist.itemindex:=n-1;
-     dalbumlistChange(sender);
-     mainmenuvisible(true);
-     toolbar.visible:=true;
-     playlistbut.checked:=true;
-     playlistbutclick(sender);
-     for i:=0 to dtracklist.items.count-1 do begin
-     dtracklist.itemindex:=i;
-     addclick(sender);
-     end;
-procedure Tmainform.FormKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
-  Shift: TShiftState);
-if (key=ord('P')) and (Shift=[ssCTRL,ssALT]) then begin
-if play.enabled=true then begin
-   play.down:=true;
-   playclick(sender);
-   end;
-if play.enabled=false then begin
-if tracklist.selected[tracklist.itemindex]=false then
-if (key=VK_ESCAPE) then begin
-if (stop.enabled=true) and (stop.down=false) then begin
-   stop.down:=true;
-   stopclick(sender);
-   exit;
-   end;
-if stop.down=true then begin
-   cdplayerbut.checked:=true;
-   cdplayerbutclick(nil);
-if (key=ord('M')) and (Shift=[ssCTRL,ssALT]) then begin
-if pause.enabled=true then begin
-   pause.down:=true;
-   pauseclick(sender);
-   end;
-if (key=ord('A')) and (Shift=[ssCTRL,ssALT]) then begin
-if (key=ord('Z')) and (Shift=[ssCTRL,ssALT]) then begin
-if (key=ord('S')) and (Shift=[ssCTRL,ssALT]) then begin
-if (key=ord('T')) and (Shift=[ssCTRL,ssALT]) then begin
-if (dj.enabled=true) and (dj.down=false) then begin; dj.down:=true; djclick(nil); exit; end;
-if (dj.enabled=true) and (dj.down=true) then begin; dj.down:=false; djclick(nil); exit; end;
-if (key=ord('X')) and (Shift=[ssCTRL,ssALT]) then begin
-if tracklist.selected[tracklist.itemindex]=true then fwdclick(sender) else begin
-if (key=ord('C')) and (Shift=[ssCTRL,ssALT]) then begin
-if (key=ord('R')) and (Shift=[ssCTRL,ssALT]) then begin
-if playmode=1 then stopclick(sender);;
-procedure Tmainform.popupplayClick(Sender: TObject);
-If dplaylist.Items.count>0 then del.enabled:=true;
-procedure Tmainform.popupremoveClick(Sender: TObject);
-procedure Tmainform.burncdbutClick(Sender: TObject);
-if kiosk=false then begin
-function runprogram(commandline : string; windowstate : integer;waitfor :boolean) : boolean;
-tenv = pchar;
-comline : array [0..255] of char;
-startupinfo : tstartupinfo;
-processinfo : tProcessinformation;
-lpExitcode : cardinal;
-msg : tmsg;
-pass : array [0..255] of char;
-with startupinfo do begin
-cb := sizeof(startupinfo);
-lpreserved := nil;
-cbreserved2 :=0;
-lpreserved2 := nil;
-if windowstate=0 then wshowwindow:=sw_normal else wshowwindow:=sw_hide;
-//SetPrivilege('SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege',true); //maybe needed
-result:=createprocess(nil,comline,nil,nil,false,normal_priority_class, nil,nil,startupinfo,processinfo);
-if result=true then begin
-   if waitfor=true then begin
-      lpexitcode:=STILL_ACTIVE;
-     	 while(lpexitcode=STILL_ACTIVE) do begin;
-           while(peekmessage(msg,0,0,0,PM_REMOVE)) do begin
-   		If msg.message = WM_QUIT then halt(msg.wparam);
-   		TranslateMessage(msg);
-   		DispatchMessage(Msg);
-   		end;
-      	getexitcodeprocess(processinfo.hprocess,lpexitcode);
-   	end;
-   end;
-procedure Tmainform.launchscreensaverClick(Sender: TObject);
-//h : thandle;
-//fs : Tfilestream;
-//ladapter : TStreamAdapter;
-//write image list out using API experiment for DFM removal
-//    LAdapter := TStreamAdapter.Create(fs);
-if runprogram(config.screensaverpath,0,false)=false then showwarning('Launch eyecandy program','Could not run eyecandy program. Check that you have specified a correct path in options. If the program is a screen saver, try placing " /s" after the program path to activate screen save mode.','An eyecandy program is visualisation software such as a sound to light program or a screen saver.','Recommended programs',WEBSITEURL+'navigation.php?sec=links#eyecandy',false);
-{procedure Tmainform.hinttimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
-msg : tmsg;
-if (hinttimercount=20) or (hintwindow.ishintmsg(msg)=true) then begin
- }
-procedure Tmainform.dplaylistDblClick(Sender: TObject);
-if dplaylist.itemindex<>-1 then playClick(Sender)
-procedure Tmainform.jukeboxbutClick(Sender: TObject);
-if assigned(sender) then if tcomponent(sender).name='butjukebox' then begin
-  config.mediaplayermode:=false;
-  //if thumbsdone=false then mainform.thumbviewgo(false);   //Load thumbs for jukebix
-if albumlist.items.count<3 then begin
-//if kiosk=false then messagedlg('You must have at least 3 albums loaded before jukebox mode can be used',mterror,[mbok],0);
-if kiosk=true then begin
-                         hideall;
-                         end;
-initmessage('Initalising Jukebox....','','');
-if config.mediaplayermode=true then jukebox.close;
-procedure Tmainform.tracklistDblClick(Sender: TObject);
-procedure Tmainform.dtracklistDblClick(Sender: TObject);
-procedure Tmainform.ripcdClick(Sender: TObject);
-procedure Tmainform.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
-if config.Dj_default=true then begin
-procedure Tmainform.buttonsMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X,
-  Y: Integer);
-if (jukebox<>nil) then if (jukebox.visible=true)  then exit;
-if (sender=butcd) or (cdplayerbut.checked) then butimages.GetBitmap(0,butcd.picture.bitmap) else butimages.GetBitmap(10,butcd.picture.bitmap);
-if (sender=butcdlist) or (playlistbut.checked) then butimages.GetBitmap(1,butcdlist.picture.bitmap) else butimages.GetBitmap(11,butcdlist.picture.bitmap);
-if (sender=butrandom) or (randombut.checked) then butimages.GetBitmap(2,butrandom.picture.bitmap) else butimages.GetBitmap(12,butrandom.picture.bitmap);
-if (sender=butjukebox) or (jukeboxbut.checked) then butimages.GetBitmap(3,butjukebox.picture.bitmap) else butimages.GetBitmap(13,butjukebox.picture.bitmap);
-//if (sender=butcdburn) then butimages.GetBitmap(6,butcdburn.picture.bitmap);
-//if (sender=butcdrip) then butimages.GetBitmap(7,butcdrip.picture.bitmap);
-//if (sender=buttools) then butimages.GetBitmap(8,buttools.picture.bitmap);
-///if (sender=butexplore) then butimages.GetBitmap(9,butexplore.picture.bitmap);
-//if( sender<>butcd) then butimages.GetBitmap(9,butcd.picture.bitmap);
-//if (sender<>butcdlist) then butimages.GetBitmap(10,butcdlist.picture.bitmap);
-//if (sender<>butrandom) then butimages.GetBitmap(11,butrandom.picture.bitmap);
-//if (sender<>butjukebox) then butimages.GetBitmap(12,butjukebox.picture.bitmap);
-//if (sender<>butcdburn) then butimages.GetBitmap(16,butcdburn.picture.bitmap);
-//if (sender<>butcdrip) then butimages.GetBitmap(17,butcdrip.picture.bitmap);
-//if (sender<>buttools) then butimages.GetBitmap(18,buttools.picture.bitmap);
-//if (sender<>butexplore) then butimages.GetBitmap(19,butexplore.picture.bitmap);
-procedure Tmainform.butfilterClick(Sender: TObject);
-procedure Tmainform.filtermenuClick(Sender: TObject);
-procedure Tmainform.fileexitClick(Sender: TObject);
-procedure Tmainform.menuaboutClick(Sender: TObject);
-{$IFNDEF kiosk}
-//  NOTE: Components originally placed on mainform. Removed for kiosk. Need replacing e.g. create at runtime and assign events.
-procedure Tmainform.saveClick(Sender: TObject);
-fl : tfilestream;
-bytefilt : tfilterbytearray;
-size : longint;
-n : integer;
-    function tfilterbytearraywritesizeanddata(str : tfilterbytearray) : integer;overload;
-    begin
-      result:=0;
-      try
-      size:=length(str);
-      fl.write(size,sizeof(size));
-      fl.write(pointer(str)^,length(str));
-      except
-      result:=-1;
-      end;
-    end;
-    function writesizeanddata(str : string) : integer;overload;
-    begin
-      result:=0;
-      try
-      size:=length(str);
-      fl.write(size,sizeof(size));
-      fl.write(pointer(str)^,length(str));
-      except
-      result:=-1;
-      end;
-    end;
-if savedialog.execute=false then exit;
-if fileexists(savedialog.filename) then if deletefile(savedialog.filename)=false then begin
-   messagedlg('Error opening file: '+savedialog.filename,mterror,[mbOK],0);
-   exit;
-for n:=0 to dplaylist.items.count-1 do begin
- writesizeanddata(dPlayListMatrixAlb[n]);
- fl.write(dPlayListMatrixTrk[n],sizeof(dPlayListMatrixTrk[n]));
- writesizeanddata(dplaylist.Items[n]);
-procedure Tmainform.OpenClick(Sender: TObject);
-fl : tfilestream;
-bytefilt : tfilterbytearray;
-filt : tfilter;
-size : longint;
-scrap : string;
-itemstotal : integer;
-n : integer;
-function readsizeanddata : string;overload;
-    var
-    count : integer;
-    begin
-      try
-      count:=sizeof(size);
-      if (count<sizeof(size)) then begin; result:=''; exit; end;
-      setlength(result,size);
-      except
-      result:='';
-      end;
-    end;
-    function tfilterbytearrayread : tfilterbytearray;overload;
-    var
-    count : integer;
-    begin
-      try
-      count:=sizeof(size);
-      if (count<sizeof(size)) then begin; result:=nil; exit; end;
-      setlength(result,size);
-      except
-      result:=nil;
-      end;
-    end;
-if opendialog.execute=true then begin
-if cdplayerbut.checked=true then playlistbutclick(nil);
-if NOT((filt.genre.count=-1) and (filt.artist.count=-1) and
-   (filt.keywords.count=-1) and (filt.recordlabel.count=-1) and
-   (filt.excludecompilations=false) and (filt.excludenoncompilations=false) and
-   (filt.yearlower=-1) and (filt.decadelower=-1)) then begin
-   if Messagedlg('A filter was in place when this playlist was saved. Restore the filter?',mtconfirmation,[mbYes,mbNo],0)=MrYes then begin
-     dofilter(filter);
-     end;
-   end;
-for n:=0 to itemstotal do begin
- dPlayListMatrixAlb[n]:=readsizeanddata;
- dplaylist.items.add(readsizeanddata);
-procedure Tmainform.reloadClick(Sender: TObject);
-if mp.filename<>'' then begin
-  mp.stop;
-{$IFDEF backgroundstreamplayer}
-procedure Tmainform.hyperlink_helpfilesystemClick(Sender: TObject);
-ShellExecute (0, nil, pchar(WEBSITEURL+'?help=filesystem'), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
-procedure Tmainform.hyperlink_helpalbuminfoClick(Sender: TObject);
-ShellExecute (0, nil, pchar(WEBSITEURL+'?help=filters'), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
-procedure Tmainform.helpClick(Sender: TObject);
-ShellExecute (0, nil, pchar(WEBSITEURL+'?sec=2&sub=2'), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
-procedure Tmainform.insertClick(Sender: TObject);
-point : integer;
-n : integer;
-if dplaylist.itemindex=dplaylist.items.count-1 then begin
-while(n>=(point-1)) do begin
-procedure Tmainform.dplaylistDragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X,
-  Y: Integer; State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean);
-if Source is tlistbox then Accept := True;
-procedure Tmainform.dplaylistDragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X,
-  Y: Integer);
-sfirst,ssecond : string;
-ifirst,isecond : integer;
-n : integer;
-tp : tpoint;
-alb : string;
-trk : integer;
-if source=dtracklist then begin
-if source=self then begin
-for n:=0 to TListBox(Source).items.count do begin
-  if TListBox(Source).selected[n]=true then begin
-     sfirst:=TListBox(Source).items[n];
-     ifirst:=n;
-     break;
-  end;
-procedure Tmainform.menuprintClick(Sender: TObject);
-{$IFNDEF kiosk}
-procedure Tmainform.buttonstimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
-if DEBUGON=false then begin
-buttonsMouseMove(nil,[],0,0);  transport.repaint;
-procedure Tmainform.butexploreClick(Sender: TObject);
-{$IFNDEF kiosk}
-//if explorego=mrOK then reloadclick(nil);
-procedure Tmainform.menufiletagClick(Sender: TObject);
-{$IFNDEF kiosk}
-if messagedlg('This will run through each album and tag all MP3 files with album and artist info.'#10#13'Are you sure you want to do this?',mtconfirmation,[mbYes,mbNo],0)=MrYes then tagmp3s.showmodal;
diff --git a/__history/Main.pas.~191~ b/__history/Main.pas.~191~
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e6d074
--- /dev/null
+++ b/__history/Main.pas.~191~
@@ -0,0 +1,3818 @@
+unit Main;
+//   Copyright (C) 2023 Matthew Smith
+//    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+//    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+//    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+//    (at your option) any later version.
+//    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+//    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+//    GNU General Public License for more details.
+//    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+//    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+  Forms,Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Menus,
+  ImgList, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, Buttons, StdCtrls, MPlayer,checklst, Gauges,
+  mmsystem, ToolWin,registry,windowsversion,
+  shellapi,OleCtrls,jpeg,global,volume,
+{$IFNDEF kiosk}
+ printcatalog,
+inifuncs, Dialogs,resourceskins,commctrl,dateutils,id3,networkstream,
+  System.ImageList,uitypes;
+const INIFILE='Empathy.ini';
+const VOLINCREMENTS =150;
+type TMDeviceChange = record
+  Msg : Cardinal;
+  Event : Uint;
+  dwData : pointer;
+  Result : Longint;
+  end;
+  type
+  Tmainform = class(TForm)
+    playpanel: TPanel;
+    albumlist: TComboBox;
+    Timers: TTimer;
+    Playlist: TPanel;
+    Dalbumlist: TComboBox;
+    dtracklist: TListBox;
+    dplaylist: TListBox;
+    playlistcaption: TLabel;
+    numberoftracks: TTimer;
+    showcover: TCheckBox;
+    tracklist: TListBox;
+    transport: TPanel;
+    Stop: TSpeedButton;
+    play: TSpeedButton;
+    fwd: TSpeedButton;
+    bck: TSpeedButton;
+    timemodebut: TSpeedButton;
+    counter: TLabel;
+    tr: TLabel;
+    skipforward: TSpeedButton;
+    skipback: TSpeedButton;
+    progress: TTrackBar;
+    coverPanel: TPanel;
+    cover: TImage;
+    Bevel1: TBevel;
+    Bevel2: TBevel;
+    pause: TSpeedButton;
+    vol: TTrackBar;
+    vol_triangle: TImage;
+    audition: TSpeedButton;
+    mutebut: TSpeedButton;
+    dj: TSpeedButton;
+    Bevel3: TBevel;
+    coverpickbut: TSpeedButton;
+    thumbspopupmenu: TPopupMenu;
+    SelectAlbum: TMenuItem;
+    Addalltrackstoplaylist: TMenuItem;
+    ReturntoPlayer: TMenuItem;
+    dplaylistmenu: TPopupMenu;
+    popupplay: TMenuItem;
+    popupremove: TMenuItem;
+    Cancel1: TMenuItem;
+    playbutmod: TShape;
+    Add: TButton;
+    del: TButton;
+    toolbar: TPanel;
+    butcd: TImage;
+    butcdlist: TImage;
+    butjukebox: TImage;
+    butrandom: TImage;
+    butimages: TImageList;
+    bevel4: TBevel;
+    Bevel5: TBevel;
+    MainMenu: TMainMenu;
+    filemenu: TMenuItem;
+    fileexit: TMenuItem;
+    modemenu: TMenuItem;
+    Cdplayerbut: TMenuItem;
+    playlistbut: TMenuItem;
+    randombut: TMenuItem;
+    jukeboxbut : TMenuItem;
+    clearlist: TButton;
+    helpmenu: TMenuItem;
+    menuabout: TMenuItem;
+    reload: TMenuItem;
+    insert: TButton;
+    N2: TMenuItem;
+    buttonstimer: TTimer;
+    SaveDialog: TSaveDialog;
+    OpenDialog: TOpenDialog;
+    procedure albumlistChange(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure tracklistClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure MPNotify(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure playClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure StopClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure bckClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure fwdClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure TimersTimer(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure timemodebutClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure playlistbutClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure CdplayerbutClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure randombutClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure DalbumlistChange(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure dtracklistClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure AddClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure dplaylistClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure DelClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure restoreClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure picturepanelClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure clearlistClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure coverMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
+      Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
+    procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
+    procedure numberoftracksTimer(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure coverClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure showcoverClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure skipbackward(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure progressChange(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure skipforwardClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure pauseClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure volChange(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure mutebutClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure auditionClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure djClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure coverpickbutClick(Sender: TObject);
+//    procedure thumbviewgo(show : boolean);
+    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure trackeditClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure OptionsClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure ThumbscancelClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure ReturntoPlayerClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure AddalltrackstoplaylistClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure FormKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
+      Shift: TShiftState);
+    procedure popupplayClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure popupremoveClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure burncdbutClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure launchscreensaverClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure dplaylistDblClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure jukeboxbutClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure tracklistDblClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure dtracklistDblClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure ripcdClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure buttonsMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X,
+      Y: Integer);
+    procedure butfilterClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure filtermenuClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure fileexitClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure menuaboutClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure reloadClick(Sender: TObject);
+    function loadtitles (sender : TListbox; albumindex : integer) : boolean;
+    procedure hyperlink_helpfilesystemClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure hyperlink_helpalbuminfoClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure helpClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure insertClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure dplaylistDragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer;
+      State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean);
+    procedure dplaylistDragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer);
+    procedure menuprintClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure buttonstimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure butexploreClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure menufiletagClick(Sender: TObject);
+    function maketitles(path : string;gettrack : integer;var fn : string) : boolean;
+{$IFNDEF kiosk}
+    procedure saveClick(Sender: TObject);
+    procedure openClick(Sender: TObject);
+    private
+    { Private declarations }
+    procedure doDJ(album : string);
+    procedure drawtriangle(pos : integer);
+    procedure mpplay;
+ //   procedure WMDeviceChange(var msg : TMDeviceChange); message WM_DEVICECHANGE;
+    procedure hideall;
+    procedure setupfrequency;
+  public
+    mp : TMediaplayer;
+    {$ENDIF}
+    mp : TDXMP;
+    {$ENDIF}
+  function buildcontentlist(forceload : boolean) : boolean;
+  procedure initlistboxes(sorted : boolean);
+procedure sorttimemode;
+function setuptrackname(num : integer) : string;
+    { Public declarations }
+  end;
+talbumtype = record
+album : string;
+artist : string;
+path : string;
+added : TDateTime;
+originalpos : integer;
+  albumtype = array  of talbumtype;
+  PlayListMatrixTrk = array of integer;
+  PlayListMatrixAlb = array of string;
+  PlayListMatrixAlbNumber = array of integer;
+ type tdylist = record
+  data : array of string;
+  count : integer;
+ end;
+  Type
+   dwCallback : DWORD;
+   dwItem     : DWORd;
+   dwValue : DWORD;
+   dwOver : DWORD;
+   lpstrAlgorithm : PChar;
+   lpstrQuality : PChar;
+  end;
+function readini : boolean;
+procedure writeini;
+procedure showerror(txt : string; errortype : integer);
+procedure alphablendbitmapwithcolor(blend : tbitmap;blendcolor : tcolor;source : tbitmap;alpha : real);
+function extractalbumandaristfrompath(s : string;var artist : string;var album : string) : string;
+function loadbitmap(target : timage;rc : string) : longint;
+procedure badfile(fn : string;act : string);
+function runprogram(commandline : string; windowstate : integer;waitfor :boolean) : boolean;
+procedure loadbmpcompressedresource(resname : string;dest : tbitmap);
+procedure loadblankmp3file;
+cdwidth =260;
+cdheight =260;
+VERSIONNO ='3.0';
+ APPTITLE ='Empathy (x86)';
+ APPTITLE ='Empathy (x64)';
+DIVISION = 1000;
+vtxtst_STATEMENT = 1;
+vtxtst_QUESTION = 2;
+vtxtst_COMMAND =4;
+vtxtst_WARNING = 8;
+vtxtst_READING = 16;
+vtxtst_NUMBERS = 32;
+vtxtst_SPREADSHEET = 64;
+vtxtst_VERYHIGH = 128;
+vtxtst_HIGH = 256;
+vtxtst_NORMAL = 512;
+  MCI_SETAUDIO               = 73;
+  MCI_DGV_SETAUDIO_ITEM      = {viewgit}{/viewgit}800000;
+  MCI_DGV_SETAUDIO_VALUE     = 000000;
+DEBUGON : boolean = false;
+thumbsdone : boolean = false;
+mainform: Tmainform;
+albumcount : integer = 0;
+album : albumtype;
+currentalbumpath : string;
+dcurrentalbumpath : string;
+playmode : integer;
+timermode: integer;
+dcurrentlyplayingtrack : integer;
+dCurrentTrack : integer;
+dPlayListMatrixTrk : PlayListMatrixTrk;
+dPlayListMatrixAlb : PlayListMatrixAlb;
+albumref : albumtype;
+albumrefonload : albumtype;
+albumrefonloadcount : integer;
+audition_mode : boolean;
+winposX,winposY : integer;
+olditem: integer;
+paused : boolean;
+muted : boolean;
+//preferences :   Tpreferences;
+deviceremoveable : boolean;
+cancelthumbs : boolean;
+thumbundercursor : TObject;
+progressmove : boolean;
+progresslastpos : dword;
+hinttimercount : integer;
+thumb : array of timage;
+thumbcount : integer = 0;
+loadedblankmp3file: boolean = false;
+blankfilepath : string;
+phrases : tdylist;
+genre : tdylist;
+artisttype : tdylist;
+kiosk : boolean = true;
+tvmode : boolean = false;
+autoplaytime : integer = 60;
+WEBSITEURL : string;
+firstrun : boolean = true;
+cached : boolean = false;
+dice1 : tbitmap;
+dice2 : tbitmap;
+dice3 : tbitmap;
+dice4 : tbitmap;
+procedure uninstallfont;
+uses random_dialog, cover,loadjpegorbmp, burn, jukeboxform, warn,aboutform,albuminfo,
+   backgroundplay, tagmp3files, empripmain, jbnoalbums
+  {$IFNDEF kiosk}
+  tracklistform
+ {$ENDIF};
+ // empripmain; //videditform;
+{$R *.DFM}
+{$R WindowsXP.res}
+{$R empathyres.res}
+procedure loadbmpcompressedresource(resname : string;dest : tbitmap);
+sr : Tresourcestream;
+procedure badfile(fn : string;act : string);
+{$IFNDEF kiosk}
+messagedlg('Error '+act+' file "'+fn+'".',mterror,[mbOk],0);
+function loadbitmap(target : timage;rc : string) : longint;
+function extractalbumandaristfrompath(s : string;var artist : string;var album : string) : string;
+x : integer;
+a : integer;
+while(a<>0) do begin
+  a:=pos('\',s);
+  s:=copy(s,a+1,length(s)-a);
+result:=album+' - '+artist;
+procedure alphablendbitmapwithcolor(blend : tbitmap;blendcolor : tcolor;source : tbitmap;alpha : real);
+x,y : integer;
+rin,rout : pbytearray;
+outval : integer;
+br,bg,bb : integer;
+function rangecheck(inp : integer) : byte;
+     if inp>255 then outval:=255;
+     if inp<0 then outval:=0;
+     result:=byte(inp);
+with source do begin
+       for y:=0 to source.height -1 do begin
+         rin:=scanline[y];
+         rout:=source.scanline[y];
+         x:=0;
+      // application.processmessages;
+         while x< 3*width-1 do begin
+      // application.processmessages;
+         outval:=round((alpha*(rin[x]-br))+br);
+         rout[x]:=rangecheck(outval);
+      // application.processmessages;
+         outval:=round((alpha*(rin[x+1]-bg))+bg);
+         rout[x+1]:=rangecheck(outval);
+      // application.processmessages;
+         outval:=round((alpha*(rin[x+2]-bb))+bb);
+         rout[x+2]:=rangecheck(outval);
+         x:=x+3;
+         end;
+     end;
+procedure mainmenuvisible(i : boolean);
+procedure installfont;
+  rs : TResourceStream;
+  pwd : array [0..MAX_PATH] of char;
+  wd : string;
+  areg : tregistry;
+  rscreate : boolean;
+if fileexists(wd)=false then begin
+  try
+  rscreate:=true;
+  rs:=TResourceStream.Create(hInstance, 'FONT', RT_RCDATA);
+  rs.SavetoFile(wd);
+if getwindowsversion>2 then areg.openkey('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts',false) else areg.openkey('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Fonts',false);
+areg.writestring('Empathy Digital Font (TrueType)',fontname);
+if rscreate=true then;
+procedure uninstallfont;
+  pwd : array [0..MAX_PATH] of char;
+  wd : string;
+  areg : tregistry;
+ try
+ RemoveFontResource(PChar(wd));
+ sleep(100);
+ Deletefile(wd);
+if getwindowsversion>2 then areg.openkey('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts',false) else areg.openkey('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Fonts',false);
+areg.deletevalue('Empathy Digital Font (TrueType)');
+function readini : boolean;
+x : integer;
+filterbytes : tfilterbytearray;
+pth : string;
+a : tinifile;
+s : string;
+altinipath : string;
+cp : array[0..1024] of char;
+a.inipath:= ExtractFileDir(pth)+'\'+INIFILE;
+if altinipath<>'' then a.inipath:=altinipath;
+if fileexists(a.inipath)=false  then begin
+application.messagebox('Please install or create an .ini file in the program folder','empathy.ini not found. Cannot continue.');
+if config.path=''  then begin
+//application.messagebox('Cannot find path entry in [Main] section of .ini file','Error reading empathy.ini. Cannot continue.');
+if ((cachepath='') or (DirectoryExists(cachepath)=false))then cachepath:=cp;
+if config.path[length(config.path)]<>'\' then config.path:=config.path+'\';
+if config.path='' then begin
+config.Dj_default:=a.readppBool('DJ On','0');
+config.Dj_comment:=a.readppBool('DJ Comment','0');
+config.burnpath:=a.readppstring('burnpath',' ');
+if config.autoexec<>'' then begin
+ runprogram(config.autoexec,1,false);
+config.screensaverpath:=a.readppString('screensaverpath',' ');
+while x=0 do begin
+   setlength(,n);
+   s:=a.readppstring(inttostr(n-1),'');
+   if s<>'' then begin
+   end else break;
+while x=0 do begin
+   setlength(,n);
+   s:=a.readppstring(inttostr(n-1),'');
+   if s<>'' then begin
+   end else break;
+if (s<>'') and config.defaultfilteron=true then begin
+while x=0 do begin
+   setlength(,n);
+   if s<>'' then begin[n-1]:=s;
+   end else break;
+ config.theme.sbut.Skin:=a.readppstring('sbut','');
+ config.theme.sbut.Color:=a.readppinteger('cbut','');
+ config.theme.skeypad.Skin:=a.readppstring('skeypad','');
+ config.theme.skeypad.Color:=a.readppinteger('ckeypad','');
+ config.theme.slcorner.Skin:=a.readppstring('slcorner','');
+ config.theme.slcorner.Color:=a.readppinteger('clcorner','');
+ config.theme.srcorner.Skin:=a.readppstring('srcorner','');
+ config.theme.srcorner.Color:=a.readppinteger('crcorner','');
+ config.theme.sblcorner.Skin:=a.readppstring('sblcorner','');
+ config.theme.sblcorner.Color:=a.readppinteger('cblcorner','');
+ config.theme.sbrcorner.Skin:=a.readppstring('sbrcorner','');
+ config.theme.sbrcorner.Color:=a.readppinteger('cbrcorner','');
+ config.theme.salphabuttons.Skin:=a.readppstring('salphabuttons','');
+ config.theme.salphabuttons.Color:=a.readppinteger('calphabuttons','');
+ config.theme.swidebut.Skin:=a.readppstring('swidebut','');
+ config.theme.swidebut.Color:=a.readppinteger('cwidebut','');
+ config.theme.sbackground.Skin:=a.readppstring('sbackground','');
+ config.theme.sbackground.Color:=a.readppinteger('cbackground','');
+ config.theme.alphaorientation:=a.readppinteger('alphaorientation','2');
+ a.section:='Commercial';
+ config.creditsystem:=a.readppbool('creditsystem','0');
+ config.playspercoincredit:=a.readppinteger('playspercoincredit','5');
+ config.allowfreecredit:=a.readppbool('allowfreecredit','1');
+ config.bgvolumemax:=a.readppinteger('bgvolumemax','30');
+ config.bgduration:=a.readppinteger('bgduration','15');
+ config.bgwaittime:=a.readppinteger('bgwaittime','15');
+ config.trackslogfile:=a.readppstring('trackslogfile','');
+ config.credittotal:=a.readppinteger('credittotal','0');
+ config.freecredittotal:=a.readppinteger('freecredittotal','0');
+ config.bgvolume:=a.readppinteger('bgvolume','15');
+procedure writeini;
+n : integer;
+filterbytes : tfilterbytearray;
+pth : string;
+a : tinifile;
+s : string;
+altinipath : string;
+a.inipath:= ExtractFileDir(pth)+'\'+INIFILE;
+if altinipath<>'' then a.inipath:=altinipath;
+a.WritePPBool('DJ On',config.Dj_default);
+a.WritePPBool('DJ Comment',config.Dj_comment);
+//if reg.keyexists('Phrases') then reg.deletekey('Phrases');
+if phrases.count>0 then for n:=0 to phrases.count-1 do a.WritePPstring(inttostr(n),[n]);
+if genre.count>0 then for n:=0 to genre.count-1 do a.WritePPstring(inttostr(n),[n]);
+if ArtistType.count>0 then for n:=0 to ArtistType.count-1 do a.WritePPstring(inttostr(n),[n]);
+procedure loadblankmp3file;
+rs : Tresourcestream;
+fs : tfilestream;
+if fileexists(blankfilepath)=false then begin
+messagedlg('Cannot create temporary file. Please check .INI file and make sure '+cachepath+
+           ' exists and can be written to'#13#10'or specify and alterative temporary location under the "cachepath=" section of the .INI file',mtError,[MbOk],0);
+if fileexists(blankfilepath)=false then begin
+messagedlg('Cannot find temporary file. Please check .INI file and make sure '+cachepath+
+           ' exists and can be written to'#13#10'or specify and alterative temporary location under the "cachepath=" section of the .INI file',mtError,[MbOk],0);
+procedure Tmainform.albumlistChange(Sender: TObject);
+n : integer;
+spp,scrap : string;
+o : tbitmap;
+if albumcount<>0 then begin
+  spp:=album[n].path;
+  screen.cursor:=crhourglass;
+  loadjpegbmp(config.path+spp,o);
+  cover.picture.bitmap.assign(o);
+  cover.refresh;
+  screen.cursor:=crdefault;
+  albumlist.hint:=albumlist.items[albumlist.itemindex];
+  if albumcount<>0 then  if loadtitles(tracklist,n)=false then begin
+  maketitles(album[n].path,0,scrap);
+  loadtitles(tracklist,n)
+  end;
+if cdplayerbut.checked=true then begin
+procedure killspeech;
+procedure showerror(txt : string; errortype : integer);
+showerrortext : string;
+fl : textfile;
+dt : string;
+if errortype=0 then showerrortext:='File:'+copy(txt,1,length(txt)-1)+'? does not exist';
+if errortype=1 then showerrortext:='File:'+txt+' is corrupt';
+if (jukebox<>nil) then begin
+  if jukebox.visible=true then begin
+     jukebox.domessage(showerrortext);
+   end;
+if config.errorlog<>'' then begin
+ assignfile(fl,config.errorlog);
+ try
+  if fileexists(config.errorlog) then  append(fl) else rewrite(fl);
+  begin
+  if (filesize(fl)>(10240 div 128)) then begin; closefile(fl); rewrite(fl);end;
+  datetimetostring(dt,'ddddd tt',now);
+  writeln(fl,dt+' - '+showerrortext);
+  closefile(fl);
+  end;
+ except;
+ end;
+if config.creditsystem=true then begin
+//if autoplaymode=true then startautoplay;
+//if ((uppercase(paramstr(1))='/J') or (KIOSK=true)) then exit;
+function gettrackatfilepos(i : integer;pth : string) : string;
+s : string;
+procedure Tmainform.tracklistClick(Sender: TObject);
+ts : string;
+fn : string;
+seconds : integer;
+minutes : integer;
+sec : string;
+If tracklist.itemindex<9 then ts:='0'+InttoStr(tracklist.itemindex+1) else ts:=InttoStr(tracklist.itemindex+1);
+If (tracklist.itemindex>-1) then begin
+  fn:=currentalbumpath+'\TRACK'+ts+'.MP3';
+  //if fileexists(fn)=false then fn:=currentalbumpath+'\'+tracklist.items[tracklist.itemindex]+'.mp3';
+if fileexists(fn)=false then begin
+  fn:=currentalbumpath+'\'+gettrackatfilepos(tracklist.itemindex+1,copy(currentalbumpath,length(config.path),length(currentalbumpath)));
+if fn='' then begin
+mainform.caption:='No track';
+if fileexists(fn)=false then begin
+ //extractalbumartist(fn,alb,art);
+ showerror(fn,0);
+ jukebox.skipBadTrack();
+ exit;
+  showerror(fn,1);
+  jukebox.skipBadTrack();
+  exit;
+seconds:=mp.length div 1000;
+minutes:= seconds div 60;
+sec := inttostr(seconds);
+if seconds<10 then sec:='0'+inttostr(seconds);
+if albumlist.Items.count = 0 then exit;
+mainform.caption:=albumlist.items[albumlist.itemindex]+' : '+tracklist.items[tracklist.itemindex];
+if jukebox<>nil then  begin
+  jukebox.domessage('Now playing: '+mainform.caption);
+  mp.Notify:=true;
+procedure Tmainform.MPNotify(Sender: TObject);
+alb : string;
+wasautoplaying: boolean;
+if paused=true then begin
+If (Mp.NotifyValue=nvSuccessful) then autoplaying:=false;
+If playlistbut.checked=true then begin
+If (Mp.NotifyValue=nvSuccessful) and (playmode=1) then begin
+    If dcurrentlyplayingtrack+1<=dplaylist.items.count-1 then begin
+       dcurrentlyplayingtrack:=dcurrentlyplayingtrack+1;
+       if playlistpanel.Visible=true then;
+       alb:=setuptrackname(dcurrentlyplayingtrack);
+       playmode:=0;
+       MP.Notify:=true;
+       timers.enabled:=true;
+       sorttimemode;
+       if showcover.checked=true then begin
+       covershow(dPlayListMatrixAlb[dcurrentlyplayingtrack],true);
+       end;
+        if dj.down=true then doDJ(dPlayListMatrixAlb[dcurrentlyplayingtrack]);
+        mpplay;
+        if mutebut.down=true then volchange(mutebut) else volchange(sender);
+        playmode:=1;
+       play.down:=true;
+    end
+    else begin
+       stop.down:=true;
+       timers.enabled:=false;
+       counter.caption:='---';
+       mainform.caption:='No track';
+       if jukebox.visible=true then jukebox.domessage('');
+       vol.Position:=config.volume;
+       jukebox.backgroundtimer.tag:=1;
+       jukebox.backgroundtimercount:=0;
+       if (wasautoplaying=true) and (autoplaymode=true) then startautoplay;
+    end;
+    end;
+  MP.Notify:=true;
+If playlistbut.checked=true then begin
+  MP.Notify:=true;
+  exit;
+ If (Mp.NotifyValue=nvSuccessful) and (playmode=1) then begin
+ If tracklist.itemindex+1<tracklist.items.count then begin
+ tracklist.itemindex:=tracklist.itemindex+1;
+ tracklistClick(tracklist);
+ playmode:=0;
+ MP.Notify:=true;
+ timers.enabled:=true;
+ sorttimemode;
+ //alb:=setuptrackname(dcurrentlyplayingtrack);
+ if dj.down=true then doDJ(dPlayListMatrixAlb[dcurrentlyplayingtrack]);
+ mpplay;
+ if mutebut.down=true then volchange(mutebut) else volchange(sender);
+ playmode:=1;
+ play.down:=true;
+ end
+ else begin
+ stop.down:=true;
+ timers.enabled:=false;
+ vol.Position:=config.volume;
+ if autoplaymode=true then startautoplay;
+ end;
+  end;
+  MP.Notify:=true;
+procedure Tmainform.playClick(Sender: TObject);
+alb : string;
+{Play List Style}
+//if play.down=false then begin
+if paused=true then begin
+if mutebut.down=true then volchange(mutebut) else volchange(sender);
+dcurrentlyplayingtrack :=dplaylist.itemindex;;
+if playlistpanel.Visible=true then;
+If dcurrentlyplayingtrack=-1 then dcurrentlyplayingtrack:=0;
+if playlistbut.checked = true then begin
+if dj.down=true then doDJ(dplaylistMatrixAlb[dcurrentlyplayingtrack]);
+ if showcover.checked=true then begin
+       covershow(dplaylistMatrixAlb[dcurrentlyplayingtrack],true);
+  end;
+if mutebut.down=true then volchange(mutebut) else volchange(sender);
+if playlistbut.checked = true then exit;
+{CD Style}
+//if dj.down=true then doDJ(dPlayListMatrixAlb[dcurrentlyplayingtrack]);
+if mutebut.down=true then volchange(mutebut) else volchange(sender);
+procedure Tmainform.StopClick(Sender: TObject);
+//if jukebox<>nil then if jukebox.visible=true then jukebox.domessage('');
+if assigned(video) then if video.Visible=true  then video.hide;
+if jukebox.coverimagepanel.Visible=true then jukebox.coverimagepanel.Visible:=false;
+if playlistbut.checked=true then begin
+dcurrentlyplayingtrack :=dplaylist.itemindex;
+if (uppercase(copy(,length(,1))='G') then loadblankmp3file;
+If dcurrentlyplayingtrack=-1 then dcurrentlyplayingtrack:=0;
+{$IFDEF backgroundstreamplayer}
+{$IFDEF backgroundstreamplayer}
+procedure Tmainform.bckClick(Sender: TObject);
+dplaymodewas : integer;
+If playlistbut.checked=true then begin
+if playmode=1 then begin
+   dplaymodewas:=1;
+   end;
+   if (dplaylist.itemindex>0) then dplaylist.itemindex:=dplaylist.itemindex-1;
+   dplaylistclick(sender);
+   if dplaymodewas=1 then playclick(sender);
+  exit
+If playmode=0 then begin
+ If tracklist.itemindex-1>-1 then begin
+ tracklist.itemindex:=tracklist.itemindex-1;
+ tracklistClick(tracklist);
+ end;
+If (playmode=1) then begin
+ If tracklist.itemindex-1>-1 then begin
+ tracklist.itemindex:=tracklist.itemindex-1;
+ tracklistClick(tracklist);
+ playmode:=0;
+ MP.Notify:=true;
+ sorttimemode;
+ mpplay;
+ if mutebut.down=true then volchange(mutebut) else volchange(sender);
+ timers.enabled:=true;
+ playmode:=1;
+ play.down:=true;
+ end
+ else begin
+ If tracklist.itemindex-1>-1 then begin
+ tracklist.itemindex:=tracklist.itemindex-1;
+ tracklistClick(tracklist);
+ timers.enabled:=false;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ If playmode=1 then play.down:=true;
+ If playmode=0 then stop.down:=true;
+procedure Tmainform.fwdClick(Sender: TObject);
+dplaymodewas : integer;
+If playlistbut.checked=true then begin
+   dplaymodewas:=0;
+ if playmode=1 then begin
+   dplaymodewas:=1;
+   //stopclick(sender);
+   //stop.down:=true;
+ end;
+ if (dplaylist.itemindex>=0) then begin
+   dplaylist.itemindex:=dplaylist.itemindex+1;
+   dplaylistclick(sender);
+   if dplaymodewas=1 then playclick(sender);
+ end;
+If playmode=0 then begin
+ If tracklist.itemindex+1<tracklist.items.count then begin
+ tracklist.itemindex:=tracklist.itemindex+1;
+ tracklistClick(tracklist);
+ End;
+ End;
+If (playmode=1) then begin
+ If tracklist.itemindex+1<tracklist.items.count then begin
+ tracklist.itemindex:=tracklist.itemindex+1;
+ tracklistClick(tracklist);
+ playmode:=0;
+ MP.Notify:=true;
+ sorttimemode;
+ mpplay;
+ if mutebut.down=true then volchange(mutebut) else volchange(sender);
+ timers.enabled:=true;
+ playmode:=1;
+ play.down:=true;
+ end
+ else begin
+ If tracklist.itemindex+1<tracklist.items.count then begin
+ tracklist.itemindex:=tracklist.itemindex+1;
+ tracklistClick(tracklist);
+ timers.enabled:=false;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ If playmode=1 then play.down:=true;
+ If playmode=0 then stop.down:=true;
+procedure Tmainform.TimersTimer(Sender: TObject);
+seconds : integer;
+minutes : integer;
+sec : string;
+//if audition_mode=true then begin
+//if mp.Position>5000then fwdclick(Sender);
+ progressmove:=true;
+if mp.error=0 then progress.max:=Round(mp.length/1000);
+ progress.position:=Round(mp.position/1000);
+{$IFDEF backgroundstreamplayer}
+ progressmove:=false;
+ seconds:=progress.position;
+ minutes:= seconds div 60;
+ seconds:=seconds-(minutes*60);
+ sec := inttostr(seconds);
+ If timermode=0 then begin
+ if seconds<10 then sec:='0'+inttostr(seconds);
+ counter.caption:=inttostr(minutes)+':'+sec;
+If timermode=1 then begin
+ seconds:=round((mp.length-mp.position)/1000);
+ minutes:= seconds div 60;
+ seconds:=seconds-(minutes*60);
+ sec := inttostr(seconds);
+ if seconds<10 then sec:='0'+inttostr(seconds);
+ counter.caption:=inttostr(minutes)+':'+sec;
+{$IFDEF backgroundstreamplayer}
+procedure Tmainform.timemodebutClick(Sender: TObject);
+if timermode=0 then begin
+else begin
+procedure Tmainform.sorttimemode;
+if timermode=1 then begin
+counter.hint:='Time Remaining';
+tr.hint:='Time Remaining';
+else begin
+counter.hint:='Time Elapsed';
+tr.hint:='Time Elapsed';
+procedure Tmainform.playlistbutClick(Sender: TObject);
+if dalbumlist.itemindex=-1 then begin
+If playlistbut.checked=true then begin
+procedure Tmainform.CdplayerbutClick(Sender: TObject);
+If cdplayerbut.checked=true then begin
+procedure Tmainform.randombutClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure Tmainform.DalbumlistChange(Sender: TObject);
+n : integer;
+spp,scrap: string;
+{playlist Style}
+  n:=dalbumlist.itemindex+1;
+  config.dlastalbum:=n;
+if albumcount<>0 then begin
+  spp:=album[n].path;
+  dalbumlist.hint:=dalbumlist.items[dalbumlist.itemindex];
+ if albumcount<>0 then  if loadtitles(dtracklist,n)=false then begin
+     maketitles(album[n].path,0,scrap);
+     loadtitles(dtracklist,n)
+  end;
+  dtracklist.itemindex:=0;
+procedure Tmainform.dtracklistClick(Sender: TObject);
+hintitem : string;
+if (dtracklist.itemindex>-1) and (dtracklist.items.count>0) then hintitem:='"'+dtracklist.items[dtracklist.itemindex]+'"';
+add.hint:='Add '+hintitem+' to end of playlist';
+Insert.hint:='Insert "'+hintitem+'" into playlist';
+If dtracklist.itemindex>-1 then add.enabled:=true;
+If dplaylist.itemindex>-1 then del.enabled:=true;
+If dplaylist.itemindex=-1 then del.enabled:=false;
+procedure Tmainform.AddClick(Sender: TObject);
+n : integer;
+alb,art : string;
+if (config.norepeat=true) and (dplaylist.itemindex>-1) then begin
+ for n:=dplaylist.itemindex to dplaylist.items.count-1 do begin;
+ if  (dplaylistMatrixAlb[n]=dcurrentalbumpath) and  (dplaylistMatrixTrk[n]=dtrackList.itemindex+1) then begin
+  jukebox.domessage('NO CREDIT TAKEN - TRACK ALREADY IN QUEUE');
+  exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+if (dtracklist.itemindex>-1) then begin
+   dplaylist.items.add (dtracklist.items[dtracklist.itemindex]);
+   setlength(dplaylistmatrixtrk,dplaylist.items.count+1);
+   setlength(dplaylistMatrixAlb,dplaylist.items.count+1);
+   dplaylistMatrixAlb[dcurrenttrack]:=dcurrentalbumpath;
+   dplaylistMatrixTrk[dcurrenttrack]:=dtrackList.itemindex+1;
+   dcurrenttrack:=dcurrenttrack+1;
+   if jukebox<>nil then begin
+    if dtracklist.itemindex+1<dtracklist.items.count then jukebox.domessage('Added Track: '+dtracklist.items[dtracklist.itemindex]);
+    if config.trackslogfile<>'' then begin
+     extractalbumartist(dcurrentalbumpath,alb,art);
+     jukebox.log.writeentry(art,alb,dtracklist.items[dtracklist.itemindex]);
+    end;
+   end;
+   if dplaylist.items.count>0 then begin
+      play.enabled:=true;
+      fwd.enabled:=true;
+      bck.enabled:=true;
+      pause.enabled:=true;
+   end;
+   if dplaylist.itemindex=-1 then begin
+      dplaylist.itemindex:=0;
+      dplaylistclick(Sender);
+   end;
+if dplaylist.items.count>0 then begin
+   //save.enabled:=true;
+   clearlist.enabled:=true;
+   end
+   else begin
+   //save.enabled:=false;
+   clearlist.enabled:=false;
+procedure Tmainform.dplaylistClick(Sender: TObject);
+if dplaylist.itemindex>-1 then del.hint:='Remove "'+dplaylist.items[dplaylist.itemindex]+'" from playlist';
+If dplaylist.itemindex>-1 then del.enabled:=true;
+If dplaylist.itemindex=-1 then del.enabled:=false;
+if (sender=dplaylist) and (dplaylist.itemindex<>-1) and (dplaylist.itemindex<>dcurrentlyplayingtrack) then playbutmod.visible:=true;
+if (sender=dplaylist) and (dplaylist.itemindex=dcurrentlyplayingtrack) then playbutmod.visible:=false;
+if sender=dplaylist then begin
+//   menupos:=mouse.cursorpos;
+//   dplaylistmenu.popup(menupos.x,menupos.y);
+procedure Tmainform.DelClick(Sender: TObject);
+old : integer;
+n : integer;
+//if dplaylist.items.count>0 then save.enabled:=true else save.enabled:=false;
+for n:=old to dplaylist.Items.count do begin
+If dplaylist.Items.count > 0 then begin
+If old<=dplaylist.Items.count-1 then dplaylist.itemindex:=old else begin
+else begin
+if dplaylist.items.count=0 then begin
+function Tmainform.setuptrackname(num : integer) : string;
+ts : string;
+fn : string;
+seconds : integer;
+minutes : integer;
+sec : string;
+alb : string;
+scrap1,scrap2 : string;
+a,b : string;
+videomode : boolean;
+if albumcount=0 then exit;
+if length(dplaylistMatrixAlb)=0 then exit;
+If dplaylistMatrixTrk[num]<10 then ts:='0'+inttostr(dplaylistMatrixTrk[num]) else ts:=inttostr(dplaylistMatrixTrk[num]);
+//if fileexists(fn)=false then fn:=alb+'\TRACK'+ts+'.MPG';
+if fileexists(fn)=false then begin
+  fn:=alb+'\'+gettrackatfilepos(dplaylistMatrixTrk[num],copy(alb,length(config.path),length(alb)));
+if (fn='') or (alb='') then begin
+mainform.caption:='No track';
+if fileexists(fn)=false then begin
+if (dplaylist.itemindex)<>dplaylist.items.count-1 then begin
+fn:=a+' '+b+' TRACK: '+ts;
+if (uppercase(copy(mp.filename,length(mp.filename),1))='G')then begin
+  if ((videomode=false) or (config.videomonitor=0)) then begin
+    jukebox.jbcovershow('');
+   end else begin
+    videoshow;
+   end;
+ setupfrequency;
+ seconds:=mp.length div DIVISION;
+ minutes:= seconds div 60;
+ seconds:=seconds-(minutes*60);
+ sec := inttostr(seconds);
+ if seconds<10 then sec:='0'+inttostr(seconds);
+ counter.caption:=inttostr(minutes)+':'+sec;
+ Tr.Caption:='LEN';
+ Tr.Refresh;
+mainform.caption:=dplaylist.items[num]+' - '+extractalbumandaristfrompath(dplaylistMatrixAlb[num],scrap1,scrap2);
+jukebox.domessage('Now playing '+mainform.caption);
+procedure Tmainform.restoreClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure Tmainform.picturepanelClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure Tmainform.clearlistClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure Tmainform.coverMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
+  Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
+//if button=mbRight then thumbviewgo(true);
+procedure Tmainform.doDJ(album : string);
+a,b,c,d : integer;
+pre : string;
+artist,alb,track : string;
+if phrases.count>0 then begin
+a :=round(random(phrases.count));[a];
+a := round(random*phrases.count-1);
+if (a=((phrases.count+1) div 2)) and (config.timeannounce=true) then pre:=formatdatetime('hh mm',time);
+if playlistbut.checked=true then track:=dplaylist.items[dplaylist.itemindex];
+if cdplayerbut.checked=true then track:=tracklist.items[tracklist.itemindex];
+d := round(random*3)+1;
+c := round(random*3)+1;
+b := round(random*2)+1;
+a:= round(random*40)+140;
+case d of
+1 : d:=vtxtst_STATEMENT;
+2 : d:=vtxtst_COMMAND;
+3 : d:=vtxtst_WARNING;
+4 : d:=vtxtst_READING;
+5 : d:=vtxtst_QUESTION;
+case c of
+1 : c:=vtxtst_STATEMENT;
+2 : c:=vtxtst_COMMAND;
+3 : c:=vtxtst_WARNING;
+4 : c:=vtxtst_READING;
+5 : d:=vtxtst_QUESTION;
+if  config.dj_comment=false then begin
+//speak(artist+','+' '+alb+','+track ,a , d or vtxtst_VERYHIGH);
+//if dplaylist.itemindex<>0 then speak(pre, a, c or vtxtst_VERYHIGH);
+//if b=1 then speak(track+' by '+artist, a,  d or vtxtst_VERYHIGH);
+//if b=2 then speak(track+' from '+alb+' by '+artist,a , d or vtxtst_VERYHIGH);
+//if b=3 then speak(track+' '+artist ,a , d or vtxtst_VERYHIGH);
+procedure Tmainform.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
+{if initcovers<>nil then begin
+   initcovers.terminate;
+  // initcovers.waitfor;
+procedure Tmainform.numberoftracksTimer(Sender: TObject);
+numoftracks,currenttrack : string;
+if playmode=0 then begin
+playlistcaption.caption:=numoftracks+' tracks';
+if playmode=1 then begin
+playlistcaption.caption:=currenttrack+'\'+numoftracks+' tracks';
+if playlistcaption.tag=0 then begin
+if playlistcaption.tag=1 then begin
+procedure Tmainform.coverClick(Sender: TObject);
+//if tracklist.items.count>0 then mainform.playlist.setfocus;
+procedure Tmainform.showcoverClick(Sender: TObject);
+if (showcover.checked=true) and (playmode=1) and (dplaylist.itemindex<>-1) then begin;
+if dcurrentlyplayingtrack=0 then exit;
+procedure Tmainform.skipbackward(Sender: TObject);
+if (progress.position-(progress.linesize*2)>0) then progress.position:=progress.position-(progress.linesize*2) else progress.Position:=0;
+if playmode=1 then begin
+if paused=false then play.down:=true else pause.down:=true;
+procedure Tmainform.progressChange(Sender: TObject);
+seekst : TMCI_Seek_Parms;
+if progressmove=false then begin
+seekst.dwTo := progress.position*DIVISION;
+if (progresslastpos<>seekst.dwTo)  then begin
+mciSendCommand(mp.DeviceID, MCI_SEEK,MCI_TO or MCI_WAIT,longint(@seekst));
+if (paused=false) and (stop.down=false) then begin;
+{$IFDEF backgroundstreamplayer}
+  stopStream();
+  end;
+if paused=false then exit;
+if (playmode=1) and (paused=false) then begin
+if mutebut.down=true then volchange(mutebut) else volchange(sender);
+procedure Tmainform.skipforwardClick(Sender: TObject);
+if (progress.position+(progress.linesize*2)<progress.max) then progress.position:=progress.position+(progress.linesize*2) else progress.position:=progress.max;
+if playmode=1 then begin
+if paused=false then play.down:=true else pause.down:=true;
+procedure Tmainform.pauseClick(Sender: TObject);
+if paused=true then begin
+procedure Tmainform.volChange(Sender: TObject);
+if sender=mutebut then if mutebut.down=true then mutebut.down:=true else mutebut.down:=false;
+   drawtriangle(vol.position);
+   { Volume: 0 - 1000 }
+   p.dwCallback := 0;
+   p.dwValue := 1000* vol.position div VOLINCREMENTS;
+   if vol.position=VOLINCREMENTS then begin
+      p.dwValue:=1000;
+   end;
+   if mutebut.down=true then p.dwValue:=0;
+   p.dwOver := 0;
+   p.lpstrAlgorithm := nil;
+   p.lpstrQuality := nil;
+   if (vol.position>0) then setStreamVolume(vol.position / VOLINCREMENTS) else setStreamVolume(0);
+   if (mutebut.down=true) then setStreamVolume(0);
+   if (volumedisplay<>nil) then begin
+    if (sender=vol) or (sender=mutebut) then volume.draw(vol.position);
+    if (jukebox.Visible=true)
+    //and (ripmain.visible=false)
+    then jukebox.SetFocus;
+   end;
+procedure tmainform.drawtriangle(pos : integer);
+a : array [0..2] of tpoint;
+fs : tfillstyle;
+p : tpoint;
+pnm : tpenmode;
+r : integer;
+m : integer;
+pos:=round(pos / 3.3);
+r:=round( ((mainform.vol_triangle.width-2) / 10)*pos);
+if pos=0 then exit;
+procedure Tmainform.mutebutClick(Sender: TObject);
+{$IFDEF backgroundstreamplayer}
+procedure Tmainform.auditionClick(Sender: TObject);
+if audition.down=true then begin
+if audition.down=false then begin
+procedure tmainform.mpplay;
+alb,art,fn : string;
+if fileexists(mp.filename)=false then begin
+//fn:=alb+' '+art;
+if audition_mode=false then try;
+{$IFDEF backgroundstreamplayer}
+except; end;
+if audition_mode=true then begin
+{$IFDEF backgroundstreamplayer}
+procedure Tmainform.djClick(Sender: TObject);
+//if (DJ.down=true) then if (initspeech<>0) then begin
+{$IFNDEF kiosk}
+messagedlg('The Microsoft Text-to-Speech runtime files (SAPI) are not installed on this system.',mterror,[mbOk],0);
+procedure Tmainform.coverpickbutClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure sortAlbumsByDate();
+i, j : integer;
+c : TAlbumType;
+for i:= Low(albumref) to High(albumref) -1 do begin
+  for j:= i +1 to High(albumref) do begin
+      if albumref[i].added < albumref[j].added then begin
+        c:=albumref[i];
+        albumref[i]:=albumref[j];
+        albumref[j]:=c;
+      end;
+  end;
+procedure tmainform.initlistboxes(sorted : boolean);
+n : integer;
+hidden : boolean;
+While (n<albumcount) do begin
+//if (albumref[n].artist<>'') and (albumref[n].album <>'') then begin
+ if (albumref[n].artist<>'') then begin
+  albumlist.items.addobject (albumref[n].artist+' - '+albumref[n].album,@albumref[n]);
+  dalbumlist.items.add(albumref[n].artist+' - '+albumref[n].album);
+  application.processmessages;
+ end;
+ n:=n+1;
+ //end;
+// albumlist is sorted on first run. Index those positions for thumbs
+if (jukebox=nil) then begin
+  for n:=0 to albumlist.items.count-1 do begin
+     talbumtype(pointer(albumlist.Items.Objects[n])^).originalpos:=n+1;
+  end;
+initmessage('Creating albumlists..','','');
+for n:=0 to albumlist.items.count-1 do begin
+ for x:=1 to albumcount do begin
+ application.processmessages;
+ if comparetext(albumlist.items[n],albumref[x].artist+' - '+albumref[x].album)=0 then begin
+    album[n+1].artist:=albumref[x].artist;
+    album[n+1].album:=albumref[x].album;
+   end;
+initmessage('Creating albumlists....','','');
+if (mp.filename<>'') and (cdplayerbut.checked=true) and (play.down=true) then
+if (config.lastalbum<=albumlist.items.count) and  (config.dlastalbum>0) then albumlist.itemindex:=config.lastalbum-1 else albumlist.itemindex:=0;
+if (config.dlastalbum<=dalbumlist.items.count) and  (config.dlastalbum>0) then dalbumlist.itemindex:=config.dlastalbum-1 else dalbumlist.itemindex:=0;
+if (jukebox<>nil) then exit;
+if albumcount=0 then hidden:=false else hidden:=true;
+if (hidden=false) and (dplaylist.items.count=0) then begin
+       cdplayerbutclick(nil);
+       butcdlist.visible:=hidden;
+       playlistbut.enabled:=hidden;
+if (hidden=false) and (cdplayerbut.checked=true) and (dplaylist.items.count<>0) then begin
+       playlistbutclick(nil);
+   dtracklist.clear;
+   //open.enabled:=true;
+   add.enabled:=hidden;
+   insert.enabled:=hidden;
+   transport.Enabled:=hidden;
+   playpanel.visible:=hidden;
+   //menuprint.enabled:=hidden;
+   tracklist.visible:=hidden;
+   cover.visible:=hidden;
+   coverpanel.visible:=hidden;
+   butcdlist.visible:=true;
+   playlistbut.enabled:=true;
+   albumlist.enabled:=hidden;
+   dalbumlist.enabled:=hidden;
+   //trackedit.enabled:=hidden;
+   //burncdbut.enabled:=hidden;
+   //butcdburn.visible:=hidden;
+   butcd.visible:=hidden;
+   CDplayerbut.enabled:=hidden;
+   randombut.enabled:=hidden;
+   jukeboxbut.enabled:=true;
+   coverpickbut.enabled:=hidden;
+   butrandom.visible:=hidden;
+   butjukebox.visible:=hidden;
+initmessage('Initialising Jukebox....','','');
+//if (albumlist.items.count>2) then begin
+if albumcount=0 then jukebox.domessage('No CDs on system');
+if ((uppercase(paramstr(1))='/J') or (KIOSK=true)) and (jukeboxbut.enabled=true)  then  begin
+   jukeboxbutclick(nil);
+   if (config.autoplay=true) and (albumcount>0) then begin
+      //initautoplay;
+      //startautoplay;
+      jukebox.GUITimer.tag:=3;
+   end;
+procedure Tmainform.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
+hc : hcursor;
+devrem : pchar;
+_devrem : string;
+remv : integer;
+reg : Tregistry;
+pp : tbitmap;
+tr : Trect;
+{$IFDEF backgroundstreamplayer}
+{$IFNDEF kiosk}
+toolbar.ControlStyle:=toolbar.ControlStyle + [csOpaque];
+//create jukebox mode backdrop; needed if jukebox for can't be launched as well (jbnoalbums)
+{$IFDEF kiosk}
+{$IFDEF tv}
+if uppercase(paramstr(1))='KIOSK' then kiosk:=true;
+if (kiosk=true) then begin
+if readini=false then begin
+ if application.messagebox('Empathy is not yet configured for this user. Configure it now?','Empathy Configuration Not Found',MB_APPLMODAL or MB_ICONQUESTION or MB_YESNO)=IDNO then begin
+ application.terminate;
+ exit;
+ end;
+if getwindowsversion<6 then config.cdopt:=0 else config.cdopt:=1;
+phrases.count:=10;[0]:='Great!';[1]:='Nice!';[2]:='Just Great!';[3]:='Here we go.';[4]:='Excellent';[5]:='Rockin.';[6]:='Good Sounds';[7]:='Lets keep them coming';[8]:='Super!';[9]:='Yeh.';
+setlength(,genre.count);[0]:='Ambient';[1]:='Blues';[2]:='Childrens';[3]:='Classical';[4]:='Comedy';[5]:='Country';[6]:='Dance';[7]:='Disco';[8]:='Easy Listening';[9]:='Electronic';[10]:='Folk';[11]:='Funk';[12]:='Hip Hop';[13]:='Jazz';[14]:='Latin';[15]:='Metal';[16]:='Miscellaneous';[17]:='New Wave';[18]:='Pop';[19]:='Punk';[20]:='Reggae';[21]:='R and B';[22]:='Rock';[23]:='Rock and Roll';[24]:='Spoken Word';[25]:='Various';[26]:='World';
+setlength(,ArtistType.count);[0]:='Band';[1]:='DJ';[2]:='Duo';[3]:='Female singer/songwriter';[4]:='Male singer/songwriter';[5]:='Female solo artist';[6]:='Male solo artist';[7]:='Orchestra';[8]:='Ensemble';[9]:='Various';
+if firstrun=true then begin
+paused := false;
+if getwindowsversion>2 then begin
+   reg.openkey('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts',false) end
+   else begin
+   reg.openkey('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Fonts',false);
+   end;
+if reg.valueexists('Empathy Digital Font (TrueType)')=false then installfont;;
+if loadedblankmp3file=false then loadblankmp3file;
+if (remv and DRIVE_REMOVABLE)=DRIVE_REMOVABLE then deviceremoveable:=true else deviceremoveable:=true;
+buildcontentlist(firstrun);; {=false then begin
+  if (firstrun=true) and (about.visible=true) then begin
+   about.close;
+   screen.cursor:=crDefault;
+  end;
+if config.lastalbum<=albumlist.items.count then albumlist.itemindex:=config.lastalbum-1 else albumlist.itemindex:=0;
+if config.dlastalbum<=dalbumlist.items.count then dalbumlist.itemindex:=config.dlastalbum-1 else dalbumlist.itemindex:=0;
+if (about.visible=true) then begin
+   about.close;
+   screen.cursor:=crDefault;
+function tmainform.buildcontentlist(forceload : boolean) : boolean;
+res,n,x : integer;
+SearchRec : TSearchRec;
+scrap : string;
+SavedErrorMode : dword;
+if forceload=false then begin
+   result:=true;
+    if albumcount=0 then result:=false;
+   exit;
+res:=FindFirst(config.path+'*.', {viewgit}{/viewgit}000010, searchrec);
+initmessage('Building Album List....','','');
+if res=0 then begin
+while res=0 do begin
+if ('.') or ('..') then begin
+        res:=FindNext(searchrec);
+        continue;
+if (x>0)  then begin
+    albumref[n].artist:=copy(,0,x-1);
+    albumref[n].album:=copy(,x+2,length(;
+end else begin
+    x:=pos('-',;
+    if (x>0) then begin
+    albumref[n].artist:=copy(,0,x-1);
+    albumref[n].album:=copy(,x+2,length(;
+    end else begin
+    albumref[n];
+    albumref[n];
+    end;
+    albumref[n];
+    albumref[n].added:=searchrec.Time;
+    albumrefonload[n].path:=albumref[n].path;
+    albumrefonload[n].artist:=albumref[n].artist;
+    albumrefonload[n].album:=albumref[n].album;
+    if (fileexists(config.path+'\''\title.dat'))=false then begin
+      if not maketitles(,0,scrap) then dec(n);
+    end else begin
+     //if blank create
+      if (w32filesize(config.path+'\''\title.dat')=0) then begin
+        if not maketitles(,0,scrap) then dec(n);
+      end;
+    end;
+        res:=FindNext(searchrec);
+    initmessage('Building Album List: ',albumref[n].artist,albumref[n].album);
+    application.processmessages;
+//if kiosk=false then loadalbuminformation;
+procedure Tmainform.trackeditClick(Sender: TObject);
+{$IFNDEF kiosk}
+if cdplayerbut.checked=true then if showtitleedit(albumlist.itemindex)=1 then begin
+if playlistbut.checked=true then if showtitleedit(dalbumlist.itemindex)=1 then begin
+function tmainform.loadtitles (sender : TListbox; albumindex : integer) : boolean;
+content : textfile;
+spp : string;
+fn : string;
+if albumcount=0 then exit;
+  AssignFile(content,fn);
+  spp:=album[albumindex].path;
+  if sender=tracklist then currentalbumpath:=config.path+spp;
+  if sender=dtracklist then dcurrentalbumpath:=config.path+spp;
+ try
+  Reset(content);
+ except;
+  result:=true;
+  exit;
+ end;
+            sender.clear;
+              While (NOT EOF(content)) do begin
+                   Readln (content,spp);
+                  //tracklist.items.add('['+format('%.2d',[tracknm])+'] - '+spp);
+                   if spp<>'' then sender.items.add(spp) else sender.items.add('Unknown track name');
+             end;
+function Tmainform.maketitles(path : string;gettrack : integer;var fn : string) : boolean;
+content : textfile;
+searchrec : tsearchrec;
+res : integer;
+tn : string;
+files : tstringlist;
+fns : array of array [0..512] of ansichar;
+f,l,scrap,n : integer;
+t : int64;
+id3 : tid3tag;
+s : string;
+files := tstringlist.Create();
+res:=FindFirst(config.path+'\'+path+'\*.*', faanyfile, searchrec);
+ if res=0 then begin
+           while res=0 do begin
+           if checkfileextension(Searchrec.Name) then begin tn:=copy(searchrec.Name,1,length(;
+              if (tn<>'') then begin
+               t:=DateTimeToUnix(searchrec.FindData.ftCreationTime.dwHighDateTime);
+                 setlength(fns,length(fns)+1);
+                 strpcopy(fns[length(fns)-1],searchrec.Name);
+                 files.AddObject(format('%.17d',[t])+' '+tn,@fns[length(fns)-1]);
+              end;
+           end;
+           res:=FindNext(searchrec);
+           end;
+ end;
+// Sort by Creation date
+//Check for numbers on first and last files - if there remove unixtime and re-sort;
+if files.Count>0 then begin
+if (scrap=0) then begin
+  for n := 0 to files.count-1 do begin
+    files[n]:=trim(copy(files[n],18,length(files[n])));
+    if (copy(files[n],length(files[n]),1)='.') then files[n]:=copy(files[n],1,length(files[n])-1);
+    if (copy(files[n],1,1)=' ') then begin
+     files[n]:=trim(copy(files[n],1,length(files[n])));
+    end;
+  end;
+ files.sort;
+ for n := 0 to files.count-1 do begin
+    files[n]:=copy(files[n],4,length(files[n]));
+    files[n]:=trim(copy(files[n],1,length(files[n])));
+  end;
+ for n := 0 to files.count-1 do begin
+     if (copy(files[n],1,2)='- ') then begin
+     files[n]:=trim(copy(files[n],2,length(files[n])));
+ end;
+ end;
+end else begin
+    for n := 0 to files.count-1 do begin
+    files[n]:=copy(files[n],19,length(files[n]));
+    if (uppercase(files[n])='TRACK'+format('%.2d',[n+1])) then begin
+        s:=strpas(pansichar(files.objects[n]));
+        id3:=readtag(config.path+'\'+path+'\'+s);
+        if (id3.track<>'') then files[n]:=id3.track;
+    end;
+    end;
+//TODO - This causes an occasional list index out of bound - 24/12/22
+if gettrack=0 then files.SaveToFile(config.path+'\'+path+'\title.dat') else begin
+  if (gettrack-1<=(files.count-1)) then fn:=strpas(pansichar(files.objects[gettrack-1]));
+{$IFNDEF kiosk}
+//if messagedlg('No title information file found for '+album[albumindex].artist+' '+album[albumindex].album+'. Enter title info now?',mtConfirmation,[MbYes,MbNo],0)=MrYes then showtitleedit(albumindex);
+{procedure tmainform.WMDeviceChange(var msg : TMDeviceChange);
+DEV_ARRIVAL =   00;
+TDEV_BROADCAST_HDR = packed record
+dbch_size: DWORD;
+dbch_devicetype : DWORD;
+dbch_reserved : DWORD;
+TDEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME = packed record
+dbcv_size : DWORD;
+dbcv_devicetype : DWORD;
+dbcv_reserved : DWORD;
+dbcv_unitmask : DWORD;
+dbcv_flags : WORD;
+driveletter : shortint;
+unitmask : longint;
+if deviceremoveable=false then exit;
+lpdb :=PDEV_BROADCAST_HDR(msg.dwData);
+if lpdb=nil then exit;
+if (lpdb^.dbch_devicetype= {viewgit}{/viewgit}000002) then begin
+     lpdbv :=PDEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME(Msg.dwData);
+   end;
+while(unitmask and 1)=0 do begin
+unitmask :=unitmask shr 1;
+if char(driveletter)<>(config.path[1]) then exit;
+case Msg.Event of
+//win 9x only
+if playmode=1 then begin
+if mp.filename<>'' then begin
+if playmode=1 then begin
+if mp.filename<>'' then begin
+DEV_ARRIVAL : begin
+ }
+procedure tmainform.hideall;
+   cdplayerbutclick(nil);
+   //open.enabled:=false;
+   playpanel.visible:=false;
+   butcdlist.visible:=false;
+   playlistbut.enabled:=false;
+   tracklist.visible:=false;
+   cover.visible:=false;
+   coverpanel.visible:=false;
+   butcdlist.visible:=false;
+   playlistbut.enabled:=true;
+   albumlist.enabled:=false;
+   //menuprint.enabled:=false;
+   dalbumlist.enabled:=false;
+   //trackedit.enabled:=false;
+   //burncdbut.enabled:=false;
+   //butcdburn.visible:=false;
+   butcd.visible:=false;
+   CDplayerbut.enabled:=false;
+   randombut.enabled:=false;
+   jukeboxbut.enabled:=true;
+   coverpickbut.enabled:=false;
+   butrandom.visible:=false;
+   butjukebox.visible:=false;
+   transport.Enabled:=false;
+   stop.down:=true;
+   play.down:=false;
+   //if kiosk=true then begin
+   // jb:=TJukeboxnoalbums.Create(application);
+   // Jb.showmodal;
+   //;
+   //end;
+procedure Tmainform.OptionsClick(Sender: TObject);
+//if res=1 then hideall;
+procedure Tmainform.ThumbscancelClick(Sender: TObject);
+     windowstate:=wsNormal;
+     restoreClick(sender);
+     cancelthumbs:=true;
+     mainmenuvisible(true);
+     toolbar.visible:=true;
+procedure Tmainform.FormResize(Sender: TObject);
+//if jukebox.visible=true then jukebox.setfocus;
+procedure Tmainform.setupfrequency;
+ progress.max:=Round (mp.length / DIVISION);
+ progress.linesize:=1;
+ progress.pagesize:=100;
+ progress.frequency:=5;
+procedure Tmainform.ReturntoPlayerClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure Tmainform.AddalltrackstoplaylistClick(Sender: TObject);
+n,i : integer;
+for n:=1 to albumcount do begin
+if sender=thumb[n] then begin
+     restoreClick(sender);
+     albumlist.itemindex:=n-1;
+     albumlistChange(sender);
+     dalbumlist.itemindex:=n-1;
+     dalbumlistChange(sender);
+     mainmenuvisible(true);
+     toolbar.visible:=true;
+     playlistbut.checked:=true;
+     playlistbutclick(sender);
+     for i:=0 to dtracklist.items.count-1 do begin
+     dtracklist.itemindex:=i;
+     addclick(sender);
+     end;
+procedure Tmainform.FormKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
+  Shift: TShiftState);
+if (key=ord('P')) and (Shift=[ssCTRL,ssALT]) then begin
+if play.enabled=true then begin
+   play.down:=true;
+   playclick(sender);
+   end;
+if play.enabled=false then begin
+if tracklist.selected[tracklist.itemindex]=false then
+if (key=VK_ESCAPE) then begin
+if (stop.enabled=true) and (stop.down=false) then begin
+   stop.down:=true;
+   stopclick(sender);
+   exit;
+   end;
+if stop.down=true then begin
+   cdplayerbut.checked:=true;
+   cdplayerbutclick(nil);
+if (key=ord('M')) and (Shift=[ssCTRL,ssALT]) then begin
+if pause.enabled=true then begin
+   pause.down:=true;
+   pauseclick(sender);
+   end;
+if (key=ord('A')) and (Shift=[ssCTRL,ssALT]) then begin
+if (key=ord('Z')) and (Shift=[ssCTRL,ssALT]) then begin
+if (key=ord('S')) and (Shift=[ssCTRL,ssALT]) then begin
+if (key=ord('T')) and (Shift=[ssCTRL,ssALT]) then begin
+if (dj.enabled=true) and (dj.down=false) then begin; dj.down:=true; djclick(nil); exit; end;
+if (dj.enabled=true) and (dj.down=true) then begin; dj.down:=false; djclick(nil); exit; end;
+if (key=ord('X')) and (Shift=[ssCTRL,ssALT]) then begin
+if tracklist.selected[tracklist.itemindex]=true then fwdclick(sender) else begin
+if (key=ord('C')) and (Shift=[ssCTRL,ssALT]) then begin
+if (key=ord('R')) and (Shift=[ssCTRL,ssALT]) then begin
+if playmode=1 then stopclick(sender);;
+procedure Tmainform.popupplayClick(Sender: TObject);
+If dplaylist.Items.count>0 then del.enabled:=true;
+procedure Tmainform.popupremoveClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure Tmainform.burncdbutClick(Sender: TObject);
+if kiosk=false then begin
+function runprogram(commandline : string; windowstate : integer;waitfor :boolean) : boolean;
+tenv = pchar;
+comline : array [0..255] of char;
+startupinfo : tstartupinfo;
+processinfo : tProcessinformation;
+lpExitcode : cardinal;
+msg : tmsg;
+pass : array [0..255] of char;
+with startupinfo do begin
+cb := sizeof(startupinfo);
+lpreserved := nil;
+cbreserved2 :=0;
+lpreserved2 := nil;
+if windowstate=0 then wshowwindow:=sw_normal else wshowwindow:=sw_hide;
+//SetPrivilege('SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege',true); //maybe needed
+result:=createprocess(nil,comline,nil,nil,false,normal_priority_class, nil,nil,startupinfo,processinfo);
+if result=true then begin
+   if waitfor=true then begin
+      lpexitcode:=STILL_ACTIVE;
+     	 while(lpexitcode=STILL_ACTIVE) do begin;
+           while(peekmessage(msg,0,0,0,PM_REMOVE)) do begin
+   		If msg.message = WM_QUIT then halt(msg.wparam);
+   		TranslateMessage(msg);
+   		DispatchMessage(Msg);
+   		end;
+      	getexitcodeprocess(processinfo.hprocess,lpexitcode);
+   	end;
+   end;
+procedure Tmainform.launchscreensaverClick(Sender: TObject);
+//h : thandle;
+//fs : Tfilestream;
+//ladapter : TStreamAdapter;
+//write image list out using API experiment for DFM removal
+//    LAdapter := TStreamAdapter.Create(fs);
+if runprogram(config.screensaverpath,0,false)=false then showwarning('Launch eyecandy program','Could not run eyecandy program. Check that you have specified a correct path in options. If the program is a screen saver, try placing " /s" after the program path to activate screen save mode.','An eyecandy program is visualisation software such as a sound to light program or a screen saver.','Recommended programs',WEBSITEURL+'navigation.php?sec=links#eyecandy',false);
+{procedure Tmainform.hinttimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
+msg : tmsg;
+if (hinttimercount=20) or (hintwindow.ishintmsg(msg)=true) then begin
+ }
+procedure Tmainform.dplaylistDblClick(Sender: TObject);
+if dplaylist.itemindex<>-1 then playClick(Sender)
+procedure Tmainform.jukeboxbutClick(Sender: TObject);
+if assigned(sender) then if tcomponent(sender).name='butjukebox' then begin
+  config.mediaplayermode:=false;
+  //if thumbsdone=false then mainform.thumbviewgo(false);   //Load thumbs for jukebix
+if albumlist.items.count<3 then begin
+//if kiosk=false then messagedlg('You must have at least 3 albums loaded before jukebox mode can be used',mterror,[mbok],0);
+if kiosk=true then begin
+                         hideall;
+                         end;
+initmessage('Initalising Jukebox....','','');
+if config.mediaplayermode=true then jukebox.close;
+procedure Tmainform.tracklistDblClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure Tmainform.dtracklistDblClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure Tmainform.ripcdClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure Tmainform.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
+if config.Dj_default=true then begin
+procedure Tmainform.buttonsMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X,
+  Y: Integer);
+if (jukebox<>nil) then if (jukebox.visible=true)  then exit;
+if (sender=butcd) or (cdplayerbut.checked) then butimages.GetBitmap(0,butcd.picture.bitmap) else butimages.GetBitmap(10,butcd.picture.bitmap);
+if (sender=butcdlist) or (playlistbut.checked) then butimages.GetBitmap(1,butcdlist.picture.bitmap) else butimages.GetBitmap(11,butcdlist.picture.bitmap);
+if (sender=butrandom) or (randombut.checked) then butimages.GetBitmap(2,butrandom.picture.bitmap) else butimages.GetBitmap(12,butrandom.picture.bitmap);
+if (sender=butjukebox) or (jukeboxbut.checked) then butimages.GetBitmap(3,butjukebox.picture.bitmap) else butimages.GetBitmap(13,butjukebox.picture.bitmap);
+//if (sender=butcdburn) then butimages.GetBitmap(6,butcdburn.picture.bitmap);
+//if (sender=butcdrip) then butimages.GetBitmap(7,butcdrip.picture.bitmap);
+//if (sender=buttools) then butimages.GetBitmap(8,buttools.picture.bitmap);
+///if (sender=butexplore) then butimages.GetBitmap(9,butexplore.picture.bitmap);
+//if( sender<>butcd) then butimages.GetBitmap(9,butcd.picture.bitmap);
+//if (sender<>butcdlist) then butimages.GetBitmap(10,butcdlist.picture.bitmap);
+//if (sender<>butrandom) then butimages.GetBitmap(11,butrandom.picture.bitmap);
+//if (sender<>butjukebox) then butimages.GetBitmap(12,butjukebox.picture.bitmap);
+//if (sender<>butcdburn) then butimages.GetBitmap(16,butcdburn.picture.bitmap);
+//if (sender<>butcdrip) then butimages.GetBitmap(17,butcdrip.picture.bitmap);
+//if (sender<>buttools) then butimages.GetBitmap(18,buttools.picture.bitmap);
+//if (sender<>butexplore) then butimages.GetBitmap(19,butexplore.picture.bitmap);
+procedure Tmainform.butfilterClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure Tmainform.filtermenuClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure Tmainform.fileexitClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure Tmainform.menuaboutClick(Sender: TObject);
+{$IFNDEF kiosk}
+//  NOTE: Components originally placed on mainform. Removed for kiosk. Need replacing e.g. create at runtime and assign events.
+procedure Tmainform.saveClick(Sender: TObject);
+fl : tfilestream;
+bytefilt : tfilterbytearray;
+size : longint;
+n : integer;
+    function tfilterbytearraywritesizeanddata(str : tfilterbytearray) : integer;overload;
+    begin
+      result:=0;
+      try
+      size:=length(str);
+      fl.write(size,sizeof(size));
+      fl.write(pointer(str)^,length(str));
+      except
+      result:=-1;
+      end;
+    end;
+    function writesizeanddata(str : string) : integer;overload;
+    begin
+      result:=0;
+      try
+      size:=length(str);
+      fl.write(size,sizeof(size));
+      fl.write(pointer(str)^,length(str));
+      except
+      result:=-1;
+      end;
+    end;
+if savedialog.execute=false then exit;
+if fileexists(savedialog.filename) then if deletefile(savedialog.filename)=false then begin
+   messagedlg('Error opening file: '+savedialog.filename,mterror,[mbOK],0);
+   exit;
+for n:=0 to dplaylist.items.count-1 do begin
+ writesizeanddata(dPlayListMatrixAlb[n]);
+ fl.write(dPlayListMatrixTrk[n],sizeof(dPlayListMatrixTrk[n]));
+ writesizeanddata(dplaylist.Items[n]);
+procedure Tmainform.OpenClick(Sender: TObject);
+fl : tfilestream;
+bytefilt : tfilterbytearray;
+filt : tfilter;
+size : longint;
+scrap : string;
+itemstotal : integer;
+n : integer;
+function readsizeanddata : string;overload;
+    var
+    count : integer;
+    begin
+      try
+      count:=sizeof(size);
+      if (count<sizeof(size)) then begin; result:=''; exit; end;
+      setlength(result,size);
+      except
+      result:='';
+      end;
+    end;
+    function tfilterbytearrayread : tfilterbytearray;overload;
+    var
+    count : integer;
+    begin
+      try
+      count:=sizeof(size);
+      if (count<sizeof(size)) then begin; result:=nil; exit; end;
+      setlength(result,size);
+      except
+      result:=nil;
+      end;
+    end;
+if opendialog.execute=true then begin
+if cdplayerbut.checked=true then playlistbutclick(nil);
+if NOT((filt.genre.count=-1) and (filt.artist.count=-1) and
+   (filt.keywords.count=-1) and (filt.recordlabel.count=-1) and
+   (filt.excludecompilations=false) and (filt.excludenoncompilations=false) and
+   (filt.yearlower=-1) and (filt.decadelower=-1)) then begin
+   if Messagedlg('A filter was in place when this playlist was saved. Restore the filter?',mtconfirmation,[mbYes,mbNo],0)=MrYes then begin
+     dofilter(filter);
+     end;
+   end;
+for n:=0 to itemstotal do begin
+ dPlayListMatrixAlb[n]:=readsizeanddata;
+ dplaylist.items.add(readsizeanddata);
+procedure Tmainform.reloadClick(Sender: TObject);
+if mp.filename<>'' then begin
+  mp.stop;
+{$IFDEF backgroundstreamplayer}
+procedure Tmainform.hyperlink_helpfilesystemClick(Sender: TObject);
+ShellExecute (0, nil, pchar(WEBSITEURL+'?help=filesystem'), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
+procedure Tmainform.hyperlink_helpalbuminfoClick(Sender: TObject);
+ShellExecute (0, nil, pchar(WEBSITEURL+'?help=filters'), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
+procedure Tmainform.helpClick(Sender: TObject);
+ShellExecute (0, nil, pchar(WEBSITEURL+'?sec=2&sub=2'), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
+procedure Tmainform.insertClick(Sender: TObject);
+point : integer;
+n : integer;
+if dplaylist.itemindex=dplaylist.items.count-1 then begin
+while(n>=(point-1)) do begin
+procedure Tmainform.dplaylistDragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X,
+  Y: Integer; State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean);
+if Source is tlistbox then Accept := True;
+procedure Tmainform.dplaylistDragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X,
+  Y: Integer);
+sfirst,ssecond : string;
+ifirst,isecond : integer;
+n : integer;
+tp : tpoint;
+alb : string;
+trk : integer;
+if source=dtracklist then begin
+if source=self then begin
+for n:=0 to TListBox(Source).items.count do begin
+  if TListBox(Source).selected[n]=true then begin
+     sfirst:=TListBox(Source).items[n];
+     ifirst:=n;
+     break;
+  end;
+procedure Tmainform.menuprintClick(Sender: TObject);
+{$IFNDEF kiosk}
+procedure Tmainform.buttonstimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
+if DEBUGON=false then begin
+buttonsMouseMove(nil,[],0,0);  transport.repaint;
+procedure Tmainform.butexploreClick(Sender: TObject);
+{$IFNDEF kiosk}
+//if explorego=mrOK then reloadclick(nil);
+procedure Tmainform.menufiletagClick(Sender: TObject);
+{$IFNDEF kiosk}
+if messagedlg('This will run through each album and tag all MP3 files with album and artist info.'#10#13'Are you sure you want to do this?',mtconfirmation,[mbYes,mbNo],0)=MrYes then tagmp3s.showmodal;
diff --git a/empathy.dproj b/empathy.dproj
index 44e18ec..5528171 100644
--- a/empathy.dproj
+++ b/empathy.dproj
@@ -136,8 +136,8 @@
-        <VerInfo_Build>20</VerInfo_Build>
-        <VerInfo_Keys>CompanyName=;FileDescription=$(MSBuildProjectName);FileVersion=;InternalName=;LegalCopyright=2022 ID Consultants/Librarysmith Software;LegalTrademarks=;OriginalFilename=;ProgramID=com.embarcadero.$(MSBuildProjectName);ProductName=$(MSBuildProjectName);ProductVersion=;Comments=</VerInfo_Keys>
+        <VerInfo_Build>22</VerInfo_Build>
+        <VerInfo_Keys>CompanyName=;FileDescription=$(MSBuildProjectName);FileVersion=;InternalName=;LegalCopyright=2022 ID Consultants/Librarysmith Software;LegalTrademarks=;OriginalFilename=;ProgramID=com.embarcadero.$(MSBuildProjectName);ProductName=$(MSBuildProjectName);ProductVersion=;Comments=</VerInfo_Keys>
         <DCC_Description>Empathy Jukebox 64 bit Executable</DCC_Description>
diff --git a/empathy.dproj.local b/empathy.dproj.local
index 2f52102..9e46709 100644
--- a/empathy.dproj.local
+++ b/empathy.dproj.local
@@ -2,32 +2,32 @@
     <Transaction>2006/06/16 16:02:14.421.pas,C:\Documents and Settings\Matthew Smith\Desktop\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Silverrip\gethttpdoc.pas=</Transaction>
-    <Transaction>2006/06/22 23:46:38.109.pas,C:\Documents and Settings\Matthew Smith\Desktop\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\searchtrack.pas=C:\Documents and Settings\Matthew Smith\Desktop\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Unit1.pas</Transaction>
-    <Transaction>2006/08/10 14:05:56.578.pas,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\AddTrackToSystem.pas=D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Unit1.pas</Transaction>
-    <Transaction>2006/08/10 14:05:56.593.dfm,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\AddTrackToSystem.dfm=D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Unit1.dfm</Transaction>
-    <Transaction>2006/09/16 12:55:41.968.dfm,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\videoform.dfm=D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Unit1.dfm</Transaction>
-    <Transaction>2006/09/16 12:55:41.968.pas,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\videoform.pas=D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Unit1.pas</Transaction>
-    <Transaction>2006/10/09 11:24:02.971.pas,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\TTransparentHint\transhint.pas=D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Unit1.pas</Transaction>
-    <Transaction>2006/10/10 11:51:05.794.pas,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\cddburl__autoupdate.pas=D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Unit1.pas</Transaction>
+    <Transaction>2006/06/22 23:46:38.109.pas,C:\Documents and Settings\Matthew Smith\Desktop\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Unit1.pas=C:\Documents and Settings\Matthew Smith\Desktop\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\searchtrack.pas</Transaction>
+    <Transaction>2006/08/10 14:05:56.578.pas,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Unit1.pas=D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\AddTrackToSystem.pas</Transaction>
+    <Transaction>2006/08/10 14:05:56.593.dfm,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Unit1.dfm=D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\AddTrackToSystem.dfm</Transaction>
+    <Transaction>2006/09/16 12:55:41.968.pas,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Unit1.pas=D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\videoform.pas</Transaction>
+    <Transaction>2006/09/16 12:55:41.968.dfm,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Unit1.dfm=D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\videoform.dfm</Transaction>
+    <Transaction>2006/10/09 11:24:02.971.pas,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Unit1.pas=D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\TTransparentHint\transhint.pas</Transaction>
+    <Transaction>2006/10/10 11:51:05.794.pas,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Unit1.pas=D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\cddburl__autoupdate.pas</Transaction>
     <Transaction>2006/10/10 11:51:27.827.pas,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\cddburl__autoupdate.pas=</Transaction>
-    <Transaction>2006/10/10 11:52:09.553.pas,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\cddbupdate.pas=D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Unit1.pas</Transaction>
-    <Transaction>2006/10/11 12:17:48.043.pas,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\playlist.pas=D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Unit1.pas</Transaction>
-    <Transaction>2006/10/20 21:12:04.225.pas,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\debugandprofile.pas=D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Unit1.pas</Transaction>
-    <Transaction>2006/10/25 16:49:55.896.pas,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\VersionInfo.pas=D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Unit1.pas</Transaction>
-    <Transaction>2006/12/19 19:26:48.863.pas,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\infoform.pas=</Transaction>
+    <Transaction>2006/10/10 11:52:09.553.pas,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Unit1.pas=D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\cddbupdate.pas</Transaction>
+    <Transaction>2006/10/11 12:17:48.043.pas,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Unit1.pas=D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\playlist.pas</Transaction>
+    <Transaction>2006/10/20 21:12:04.225.pas,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Unit1.pas=D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\debugandprofile.pas</Transaction>
+    <Transaction>2006/10/25 16:49:55.896.pas,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Unit1.pas=D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\VersionInfo.pas</Transaction>
     <Transaction>2006/12/19 19:26:48.863.dfm,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\infoform.dfm=</Transaction>
-    <Transaction>2006/12/26 12:40:12.187.pas,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\resourceskins.pas=D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Unit2.pas</Transaction>
-    <Transaction>2006/12/30 14:03:36.413.pas,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\exploreform.pas=</Transaction>
+    <Transaction>2006/12/19 19:26:48.863.pas,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\infoform.pas=</Transaction>
+    <Transaction>2006/12/26 12:40:12.187.pas,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Unit2.pas=D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\resourceskins.pas</Transaction>
     <Transaction>2006/12/30 14:03:36.413.dfm,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\exploreform.dfm=</Transaction>
+    <Transaction>2006/12/30 14:03:36.413.pas,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\exploreform.pas=</Transaction>
     <Transaction>2006/12/30 14:04:04.007.dfm,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\symlink.dfm=</Transaction>
     <Transaction>2006/12/30 14:04:04.007.pas,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\symlink.pas=</Transaction>
-    <Transaction>2007/01/01 16:58:54.679.pas,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\thememanagerform.pas=D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Unit2.pas</Transaction>
-    <Transaction>2007/01/01 16:58:54.679.dfm,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\thememanagerform.dfm=D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Unit2.dfm</Transaction>
+    <Transaction>2007/01/01 16:58:54.679.pas,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Unit2.pas=D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\thememanagerform.pas</Transaction>
+    <Transaction>2007/01/01 16:58:54.679.dfm,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Unit2.dfm=D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\thememanagerform.dfm</Transaction>
     <Transaction>2012/10/04 10:15:05.201.pas,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\seiralform.pas=</Transaction>
     <Transaction>2012/10/04 10:15:05.201.dfm,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\seiralform.dfm=</Transaction>
     <Transaction>2012/10/05 00:16:03.472.dfm,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\licenceform.dfm=</Transaction>
     <Transaction>2012/10/05 00:16:03.472.pas,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\licenceform.pas=</Transaction>
-    <Transaction>2012/10/05 00:50:57.203.bdsproj,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\empathy.bdsproj=D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\silvsmth.bdsproj</Transaction>
-    <Transaction>2021/01/25 20:21:43.384.pas,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\networkstream.pas=D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Unit1.pas</Transaction>
+    <Transaction>2012/10/05 00:50:57.203.bdsproj,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\silvsmth.bdsproj=D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\empathy.bdsproj</Transaction>
+    <Transaction>2021/01/25 20:21:43.384.pas,D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\Unit1.pas=D:\PROJECT\EMPATHY\Empathy Source\networkstream.pas</Transaction>
diff --git a/empathy.identcache b/empathy.identcache
index a0ce3d9..af6a2e6 100644
Binary files a/empathy.identcache and b/empathy.identcache differ