Index » Joomla ViewGit Plugin : Blob 53d4e0 / viewgit / doc / README
This is a very quick and dirty Joomla Plugin (for version 3.0 of Joomla) version of ViewGit.

The original code is pretty much intact and lives under the viewgit
folder under the plugins directory. Only real changes to this were the removal
of html headers from the header.php and the modifications of functions.php to
recreate the 'makelink' function in a Joomla friendly way. The viewgit.php file in
the root of plugin pretty much just grabs the output from the script and inserts it
into the Joomla doc using ob_get_contents(). Few global styles have also been removed.

Original Readme:-

ViewGit is a git web interface / repository viewer, that aims to be easy to set
up and upgrade, light on dependencies, and comfortable to use.

Some of the current features are:
- Project index with description, last change, tree browsing, and download links
- Project summary page with shortlog snippet and list of tags and heads (branches)
- Shortlog: date of change, author, short message, and links to commit/commitdiff/tree/download
- Commit: details of the commit
- Commitdiff: colored diff of the changes in a commit
- Tree (directory) browsing with downloadable trees (as tar/gz and zip), and downloadable files
- RSS feeds of changes with configurable item title/description content
- (Optional) Checkouts using mod_rewrite and git-update-server-info in .git/hooks/post-update
- Alternative project list configuration using globs/wildcards (useful for mass hosting of projects)
- Optional e-mail address obfuscator
- Optional GeSHi support (not bundled)

- PHP 5
- Apache or compatible web server
- Reasonably new git

First installation
- Create inc/localconfig.php and consult inc/config.php for what to put there.
- Copy doc/example-htaccess to .htaccess and edit RewriteBase in it